
        Displaying 3,147 digitized works
  1. 1901

    On the Ode called by the Italians Petrarchesca.Italian tracts; or A collection of selected pieces.

  2. 1902

    On the Ode called by the Italians Petrarchesca.Italian magazine.

  3. 1903

    On the Old Northern and Teutonic MetreCorpus poeticum boreale : the poetry of the Old Northern tongue, from the earliest times to the thirteenth century

  4. 1904

    On the origin and ramifications of the English language.Preceded by an inquiry into the primitive seats, early migrations, and final settlements of the principal European nations.

  5. 1905

    On the Origin of Stanza-Linking in English Alliterative VerseRomanic review.

  6. 1906

    On the origin, development, peculiarities and destiny of the English language ...

  7. 1907

    On the Phonetic Theory of English ProsodyTransactions of the Philological Society

  8. 1908

    On the Place and Power of Accent in LanguageHorae Hellenicæ, essays and discussion on some important points of Greek philology and antiquity;

  9. 1909

    On the Principles and Uses of Alliteration in PoetryThe Afternoon lectures on literature and art : Delivered in the theatre of the Museum of industry, S. Stephen's Green, Dublin, in April and May, 1865. Third series.

  10. 1910

    On the prosodies of the Greek and Latin languages

  11. 1911

    On the prosody of Paradise regained and Samson Agonistes.Being a supplement to the paper On the elements of Milton's blank verse in Paradise lost, which is printed in the Rev. H. C. Beeching's edition of Paradise lost, bk. I, Clarendon Press, Oxford.

  12. 1912

    On the relation of poetry to verse,

  13. 1913

    On the relations between spoken and written language with special reference to English,

  14. 1914

    On the rimes in the authentic poems of William Dunbar ....

  15. 1915

    On the Sapphic and Alcaic MetresThe Classical journal.

  16. 1916

    On the Sapphic and Alcaic Metres, No. IVThe Classical journal.

  17. 1917

    On the Scansion of English PoetryTransactions of the Philological Society

  18. 1918

    ON THE SECOND CLASSICAL BOOK OF THE CHINESE. BY THE PRESIDENT.Asiatic researches; Or, Transactions of the society, instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature, of Asia. Volume the first. Printed verbatim from the Calcutta edition.

  19. 1919

    On the structure of English verse,

  20. 1920

    On the study of words

  21. 1921

    On the Sweetness of VersificationBlackwood's Edinburgh magazine.

  22. 1922

    On the Third Foot of the Greek HexameterHermathena.

  23. 1923

    On the Trisyllabic Endings of the Pentameter in PropertiusHermathena.

  24. 1924

    On the use of classical metres in English.

  25. 1925

    On the Use of Dactyl after an Initial Trochee in Greek Lyric VerseTransactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  26. 1926

    On the Use of Definitions, and Accuracy in Language.The Weekly entertainer; or Agreeable and instructive repository. Containing a collection of select pieces, both in prose and verse; curious anecdotes, instructive tales, and ingenious essays on different subjects

  27. 1927

    ON THE USE of MONOSYLLABLES in POETRY. By GEORGE JEFFREYS, Esq;Letters, by several eminent persons deceased. Including the correspondence of John Hughes, esq. (Author of the Siege of Damascus) and several of his friends, published from the originals: with notes explanatory and historical. By John Duncombe, M.A. One of the six preachers in christ church, Canterbury. In three volumes.

  28. 1928

    On the Use of RhymeThe Dublin inquisitor, ...

  29. 1929

    On the Use of Trisyllabic Feet in Iambic VerseThe North American review.

  30. 1930

    On the Versification of Homeric AccentuationTransactions of the Philological Society

  31. 1931

    On the Vowel Point of the Hebrew LanguageThe Classical journal.

  32. 1932

    ON THOSE SCIENCES THAT PROCEED FROM THE IMAGINATION.The elements of universal erudition. Containing an analytical abridgment of the sciences, polite arts, and belles lettres. By Baron Bielfeld, Secretary of Lecation to the King of Prussia. Preceptor to Prince Ferdinand, and Chancellor of all the Universities in the Dominions of his Prussian Majesty, Author of the Political Institutes, &c. Translated from the last edition printed at Berlin. By W. Hooper, M.D. In three volumes. ...

  33. 1933

    On Tonality in English VerseThe Sewanee review.

  34. 1934

    On transferred appellations of human beings

  35. 1935

    On Translating HomerThe Universal review.

  36. 1936

    On translating Homer,

  37. 1937

    On translating Homer.Last words. A lecture given at Oxford.

  38. 1938

    On VersificationThe Inspector, literary magazine and review

  39. 1939

    On vowel alliteration in the old Germanic languages.

  40. 1940

    Oral composition;a text book for high schools,

  41. 1941

    Oral English;or, The art of speaking,

  42. 1942

    The oration of Demosthenes on The crown.With extracts from the oration of Aeschines against Ctesiphon, and explanatory notes.

  43. 1943

    The oratorical class-book;with the principles of elocution simplified and illustrated by suitable examples. Intended for the use of public and private seminaries.

  44. 1944

    Oratory sacred and secular;or, The extemporaneous speaker, with sketches of the most eminent speakers of all ages.

  45. 1945

    The orchestration of the metrical line ;an analytical study of rhythmical form

  46. 1946

    The Order of Rimes of the English SonnetModern language notes.

  47. 1947

    Oriental diction and theme in English verse, 1740-1840,

  48. 1948

    The origin and history of the English language :and of the early literature it embodies

  49. 1949

    The origin and history of the english language and of the early literature it embodies;

  50. 1950

    The origin and history of the English language,and of the early literature it embodies.