
        Displaying 3,075 digitized works
  1. 1

    The 'Five Types' in Anglo-Saxon VerseMLR

  2. 2

    'Logaoedic' metre in Greek comedy.

  3. 3

    1. Certayne notes of instruction in English verse 1575.2. The steele glas ... 1576. 3. The complaynt of Philomene ... 1576. Preceded by George Whetstone's A remembrance of the well imployed life, and godly end of George Gascoigne, Esquire.

  4. 4

    1. Verner's law in Gothic.

  5. 5

    A Word about ProsodyPoetry.

  6. 6

    Abbot Ælfric's rhythmic prose.MP

  7. 7

    About RhymeLippincott's monthly magazine.

  8. 8

    An abridgement of lectures on rhetoric

  9. 9

    An abridgement of Lectures on rhetoric

  10. 10

    An abridgement of Lectures on rhetoric

  11. 11

    An abridgment of Elements of criticism

  12. 12

    An abridgment of L. Murray's English grammar.With an appendix, containing an exemplification of the parts of speech, and exercises in syntax. Designed for the use of the younger class of learners. By Lindley Murray.

  13. 13

    The abridgment of the new method of learning easily and expeditiously the Greek tongue.Translated from the French of Messieurs de Port Royal. With considerable improvements. To which is added, an abridgment of the Greek roots. For the Use of Schools.

  14. 14

    An abstract of English grammar and rhetoriccontaining the chief principles and rules of both arts, necessary to the Writing the Language Correctly and Handsomely. In a New, Easy, and Distinct Method. Designed to Introduce the English Scholar to a just Notion of the Propriety, and Beauty, of his Mother Tongue. By Daniel Turner.

  15. 15

    An abstract of English grammar, including rhetoric and pronunciation. By Samuel Edwards, school-master, in Golden-lane

  16. 16

    The abuse of the singing & speaking voice;causes, effects, and treatment,

  17. 17

    The academical speaker :a selection of extracts in prose and verse, from ancient and modern authors : adapted for exercises in elocution

  18. 18

    Accent a Guiding Principle, not Merely of the Old Comic Metres, but Generally of Latin Poetry; and First of Virgil's HexametersTransactions of the Philological Society

  19. 19

    Accent and Ictus in the Latin Elegiac DistichTransactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  20. 20

    Accent Collation of Caedmon's Genesis BModern language notes.

  21. 21

    Accentual Rhythm in LatinHarvard studies in classical philology

  22. 22

    The Accentual Structure of Isolable English PhrasesPublications of the Modern Language Association of America

  23. 23

    Accentus redivivi, or, A defense of an accented pronunciation of Greek prose :shewing it to be conformable to all antiquity ; together with an answer to the objections of Mekerchus, Isaac Vossius, Henninius, and other modern opposers of Greek accents

  24. 24

    The accidence; or, First rudiments of the Latin tongue, for the useof youth.

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    The accidences of the parts of speechor the rudiments of etymology. After a new and easie method. Containing, 1. The alphabet with its division, and the definitions of the eight parts of speech most intelligible by youth; Page 1: 2. The accidences of noun and pronoun with their examples and all that relates to them; from Page 2 till 8. 3. Verb & its accidences, with four regular examples & some irregular. and what necessarily belongs thereto, all exposed by way of Tables, to one glance of the Eye; for the help of the Local Memory. from P, 8, till 17, 4. Participle with all that relates thereto, adverbs, prepositions, interjections and conjunctions, with their English, and all that may necessarily relate to them, Page 17 to the end.

  26. 26

    An ACCOUNT of the ensuing POEM, In a LETTER to the Honourable Sir ROBERT HOWARD.The miscellaneous works of John Dryden, Esq; containing all his original poems, tales, and translations, in four volumes. ...

  27. 27

    AN ACCOUNT OF THE ENSUING POEM, IN A LETTER TO THE HONOURABLE SIR ROBERT HOWARD.A collection of the English poets, containing the poetical works of Pope. Dryden. Swift. Prior. Gay. Shenston. Pomfret. Gray & Littleton. Thomson. Young. In twenty volumes. ...

  28. 28

    The actor's art;a practical treatise on stage declamation, public speaking, and deportment, for the use of artists, students, and amateurs, including a sketch on the history of the theatre, from the Greeks to the present time.

  29. 29

    THE ACTOR. ADDRESSED TO BONNELL THORNTON, Esq; BY THE SAME.A collection of the most esteemed pieces of poetry, that have appeared for several years. With variety of originals, by the late Moses Mendez, Esq; and other contributors to Dodsley's Collection. To which this is intended as a supplement

  30. 30

    Additional NoteWorks ...

  31. 31

    Additional Observations [on "English Metre"]Transactions of the Philological Society

  32. 32

    Address delivered before the Associated Instructors of Boston and its vicinity, on their anniversary, Oct. 10, 1816

  33. 33

    The advance of English poetry in the twentieth century

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    Advanced course of composition and rhetoric:

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    The Advancement and Reformation of Modern PoetryMiscellaneous tracts

  36. 36

    The adventures of Doctor Comicusor The frolicks of fortune. A comic satirical poem for the squeamish & the queer. In twelve cantos,

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    Aelfric's Lives of saints :being a set of sermons on saints' days formerly observed by the English Church

  38. 38

    The "Aeneid" of VirgilLiterary remains of Charles Stuart Calverley

  39. 39

    The Affective Value of Articulate SoundsThe American journal of psychology.

  40. 40

    The age of Dryden

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    The age of Milton

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    The age of Shakespeare (1579-1631)

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    The age of Shakespeare (1579-1631)

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    The age of Shakespeare,

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    Alexander Scott, Montgomerie, and Drummond of Hawthornden as lyric poets.

  46. 46

    The Alleged Conflict of the Accents in Latin VerseTransactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association.

  47. 47

    The alliance of musick, poetry and oratory.Under the head of poetry is considered the alliance and nature of the epic and dramatic poem, as it exists in the Iliad, Æneid and Paradise Lost. By Anselm Bayly, ...

  48. 48

    The Alliteration in Chaucer's Canterbury TalesEssays on Chaucer, his words and works.

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    Alliteration in Italian ...

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    Alliteration in LatinTransactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association