
        Displaying 3,147 digitized works
  1. 1801

    Of [Persian] VersificationThe works of Sir William Jones : with the life of the author

  2. 1802

    Of Ancient and Modern Eloquence and Poesie.Reflections upon ancient and modern learning

  3. 1803

    Of CRITICISM.Bibliotheca technologica: or, a philological library of literary arts and sciences. viz. I. Theology; ... XXV. Miscellanies: ... By Benjamin Martin, ...

  4. 1804

    Of dramatick poesie, an essay

  5. 1805

    Of dramatick poesy,an essay.

  6. 1806

    Of English MetresPoetical works. To which have been prefixed the connected disquisitions on the rise and progress of English poetry, and on English metres, and some biographic particulars of the author,

  7. 1807

    OF ENGLISH METRES.Disquisitions metaphysical and literary, by F. Sayers, M.D.

  8. 1808

    OF ENGLISH VERSE.Harrison's British classicks. Vol. VIII. Containing The idler, Fitz Osbornes letters, Shenstones Essays, Launcelot Temple's Sketches, and The lover.

  9. 1809

    OF ENGLISH VERSE.Harrison's British classicks. Vol. VIII. Containing The idler, Fitzosborne's letters, Shenstone's essays, Launcelot temples sketches, and the Lover.

  10. 1810

    Of harmony and numbers,in Latin and English prose, and in English poetry. ...

  11. 1811

    Of Poetry.The universal library: or, compleat summary of science. Containing above sixty select treatises. In two volumes. ...

  12. 1812

    Of POETRY.Miscellanies, in four essays. By Sir William Temple. Baronet.

  13. 1813

    Of Prosody, or the Musical Element in SpeechThe philology of the English tongue,

  14. 1814

    Of Rhyme in English Verse.Revue de l'enseignement des langues vivantes.

  15. 1815

    Of the Affinity Between Certain English and Italian VersesEssays on philosophical subjects : to which is prefixed an Account of the life and writings of the author

  16. 1816

    Of the ART of POETRY.Bibliotheca technologica: or, a philological library of literary arts and sciences. viz. I. Theology; ... XXV. Miscellanies: ... By Benjamin Martin, ...

  17. 1817

    Of the different sorts of Verse contained in the ODES and EPODES of HORACE.The works of Horace, translated into English prose, as near as the propriety of the two languages will admit. Together with the original Latin, from the best editions. Wherein the words of the Latin text are ranged in their grammatical order; ... By David Watson, ...

  18. 1818

    Of the origin and progress of language.

  19. 1819

    Of the origin and progress of language.

  20. 1820

    Of the origin and progress of language.

  21. 1821

    Of the origin and progress of language.

  22. 1822

    Of the origin and progress of language.

  23. 1823

    Of the origin and progress of language.

  24. 1824

    OF THE VERSIFICATION OF ENGLISH TRAGEDY. Harrison's British classicks. Vol. Viii. Containing The Idler, Fitzosborne's letters, Shenstone's Essays, Launcelot Temple's Sketches, and The Lover.

  25. 1825

    OF THE VERSIFICATION OF ENGLISH TRAGEDY.Harrison's British classicks. Vol. VIII. Containing The idler, Fitzosborne's letters, Shenstone's essays, Launcelot temples sketches, and the Lover.

  26. 1826

    Of VersificationObservations on poetry, especially the epic;

  27. 1827

    Old and new;sundry papers,

  28. 1828

    The Old and the New in Metrics.The Classical journal.

  29. 1829

    Old Ballad BurthensThe Musical quarterly.

  30. 1830

    The Old Books in War-TimeThe English review.

  31. 1831

    The Old Books in War-TimeThe English review.

  32. 1832

    The Old English Alliterative Line.Transactions of the Philological Society

  33. 1833

    Old English ballads,

  34. 1834

    The old English dramatists,

  35. 1835

    Old English NotesThe Modern language review.

  36. 1836

    The Old English Rhymed PoemThe Journal of English and Germanic philology.

  37. 1837

    Old English Verse in ChaucerModern language notes.

  38. 1838

    The Old French Diphthong EI (EY) and Middle English MetricsRomanic review

  39. 1839

    The old-Latin and old-Irish monuments of verse,

  40. 1840

    The oldest English epic :Beowulf, Finnsburg, Waldere, Deor, Widsith, and the German Hildebrand

  41. 1841

    On "here" and "there" in Chaucer.

  42. 1842

    On a Metrical Latin Inscription copied by Mr. BlakesleyTransactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

  43. 1843

    On a Supposed Limitation of the Law of "Breves Breviantes" in Plautus and TerenceHarvard studies in classical philology

  44. 1844

    On ancient Greek accentuation,

  45. 1845

    On Ancient Greek Rhythm and MetreEssays philological and critical : selected from the papers

  46. 1846

    On Anglo-Saxon versification from the standpoint of modern-English versification.

  47. 1847

    On Attic Prose RhythmHermathena.

  48. 1848

    On Certain Euphonic Embellishments in the Verse of PropertiusTransactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association.

  49. 1849

    On Certain Influences of Accent in Latin Iambic TrimetersTransactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  50. 1850

    On Certain Sound Properties of the Sapphic Strophe as employed by HoraceTransactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association