
        Displaying 3,147 digitized works
  1. 1851

    On Dramatic PoetryEssays philosophical and moral, historical and literary.

  2. 1852

    On English and French versification

  3. 1853

    On English Hexameter VerseThe Cambridge Review

  4. 1854

    On English poetry, being an irregular approach to the psychology of this art,from evidence mainly subjective

  5. 1855

    On English VersificationThe London magazine

  6. 1856

    On Epic PoetryEssays philosophical and moral, historical and literary.

  7. 1857

    On Greek and English VersificationProceedings of the Philological Society].

  8. 1858

    On Greek Versification in InscriptionsPapers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

  9. 1859

    On Metrical Tests as Applied to Dramatic Poetry.Transactions.

  10. 1860

    On Metrical Time, Or, the Rhythm of Verse, Ancient and ModernTransactions of the Philological Society

  11. 1861

    On Metrical TranslationLiterary remains of Charles Stuart Calverley :

  12. 1862

    On Milton's VersificationThe Round table: a collection of essays on literature, men, and manners.

  13. 1863

    On parody,

  14. 1864

    On poetic interpretation of nature

  15. 1865

    On RhymeThe portrait of a scholar, and other essays written in Macedonia, 1916-1918.

  16. 1866

    On Rhythm in English VerseMilton's Lycidas,

  17. 1867

    On Sanscrit and Pra'crit Poetry (the letter i has a half circle above it in both cases)Asiatick researches, or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature, of Asia.

  18. 1868

    On sentence-rhythm and word-order in modern English

  19. 1869

    On ShakespeareEssays philosophical and moral, historical and literary.

  20. 1870

    On Short Vowels Before Mute and Liquid in Plautus: Can they Act as "Breves Breviantes"?Harvard studies in classical philology

  21. 1871

    On Some Greek Lyrical MetresTransactions of the Philological Society

  22. 1872

    On Some of the Characteristics of Modern Poetry, and on the Lyrical Poems of Alfred TennysonThe Englishman's Magazine

  23. 1873

    On Some Points in Skaldic MetreArkiv för nordisk filologi.

  24. 1874

    On Some Technical Elements of Style in LiteratureEssays in the art of writing

  25. 1875

    On Stile and VersificationEssays philosophical and moral, historical and literary.

  26. 1876

    On Style in Literature: Its Technical Elements.The contemporary review

  27. 1877

    ON THE ANALOGY BETWEEN PAINTING, POETRY, AND MUSIC.A collection of original poems, essays and epistles. By John Werge, A.B.

  28. 1878

    ON THE ANTIENT AND MODERN DRAMA.A collection of original poems, essays and epistles. By John Werge, A.B.

  29. 1879

    On the art of writing,

  30. 1880

    On the Difference of Time and Rhythm in MusicMind :

  31. 1881

    On the Disposition of the Rimes in the SestinaThe Modern language quarterly.

  32. 1882

    On the distinction between the art-epic and the folk-epic ...

  33. 1883

    On the Elements of Milton's Blank VerseParadise lost book I

  34. 1884

    On the English language, past and present

  35. 1885

    On the Equivalence of Rhythmical Bars and Metrical FeetTransactions of the American Philological Association

  36. 1886

    On the Form of the SonnetModern language notes.

  37. 1887

    On the Frequency of Short Words in VerseClassical weekly.

  38. 1888

    On the Galliambic MetreThe Attis of Caius Valerius Catullus translated into English verse, with dissertations on the myth of Attis, on the origin of tree-worship, and on the Gallambic metre

  39. 1889

    On the history of the English present inflections,

  40. 1890

    On the History, System, and Varieties of Turkish Poetry.Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom.

  41. 1891

    On the Italian Pindaric and Anacaeontic Canzonets.Italian tracts; or A collection of selected pieces.

  42. 1892

    On the Italian Pindaric and Anacaeontic Canzonets.Italian magazine.

  43. 1893

    On the limits of descriptive writing apropos of Lessing's Laocoon, by Frank Egbert Bryant ...

  44. 1894

    On the Making of English Blank VerseThe Nineteenth century and after.

  45. 1895

    On the Metre of Pierce Plowman's VisionsReliques of ancient English poetry: consisting of old heroic ballads, songs, and other pieces of our earlier poets, (chiefly of the lyric kind) Together with some few of later date ...

  46. 1896

    On the Middle English metrical romance of Emare ...

  47. 1897

    On the Nature and Essential Characters of Poetry as Distinguished from ProseMemoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester.

  48. 1898

    On the Ode called by the Italians Petrarchesca.Italian tracts; or A collection of selected pieces.

  49. 1899

    On the Ode called by the Italians Petrarchesca.Italian magazine.

  50. 1900

    On the Old Northern and Teutonic MetreCorpus poeticum boreale : the poetry of the Old Northern tongue, from the earliest times to the thirteenth century