Displaying 104 digitized works
An abridgement of the last quarto edition of Ainsworth's dictionary, English and Latin.... By Thomas Morell, ...
The American instructor succeed the English and other spelling-books ... interspersed with ... reading lessons ...
The American phonetic dictionary of the English language.
An analytical dictionary of the English language, in which the words are explained in the order of their natural affinity, independent of alphabetical arrangement ...
Cobb's abridgment of J. Walker's critical pronouncing dictionary, and expositor of the English language, carefully compiled from the London quarto editions, published under the inspection of the author; in which Mr. Walker's principles of orthography and pronunciation are strictly followed ... to which are prefixed concise principles of pronunciation, and rules for accentuation and the division of words: with an appendix, containing a class of words which are in common use in this country, and not found in Walker's dictionary.Particularly designed for the use of schools.
The Columbian dictionary of the English languagein which many new words, peculiar to the United States, and many words of general use, not found in any other English dictionary, are inserted. ... To which is prefixed, a prosodial grammar, containing, a short dissertation on vowels and consonants. To the whole is added Heathen mythology: or A classical pronouncing dictionary. By Caleb Alexander, A.M. Author of "Virgil's works translated into literal English prose," &c. &c. and teacher of the English language. Published according to act of Congress.
A COMPENDIOUS English Grammar.A new general English dictionary; peculiarly calculated for the use and improvement of such as are unacquainted with the learned languages. Wherein the difficult words, and technical terms made use of in anatomy, architecture, arithmetick, algebra, astronomy, botany, chymistry, divinity, gardening, grammar, hawking, heraldry, history, horsemanship, hunting, husbandry, law, logick, mathematicks, mechanicks, milit. affairs, musick, navigation, painting, poetry, rhetorick, sculpture, surgery, &c. are not only fully explain'd, but accented on their proper syllables, to prevent a vicious pronunciation; and mark'd with initial letters, to denote the part of speech, to which each word peculiarly belongs. To which is prefixed, a compendious English grammar, with general rules for the ready formation of one part of speech from another; by the due application, whereof, such as understand English only, may be able to write as correctly and elegantly, as those who have been some years conversant in the Latin, Greek, &c. Languages. Together with a supplement, of the proper names of the most noted kingdoms, provinces, cities, towns, rivers, &c. throughout the known world. As also, of the most celebrated emperors, kings, queens, priests, poets, philosophers, generals, &c. whether Jewish, Pagan, Mahometan, or Christian; but more especially such as are mentioned either in the old or new testament. The whole alphabetically digested, and accented in the same manner, and for the same purpose, as the preceding part; being collected for the use of such, as have but an imperfect idea, of the English orthography. Originally begun by the late Reverend Mr. Thomas Dyche, school-master at Stratford le Bow, author of the guide to the English tongue, the spelling dictionary, &c. And now finish'd by William Pardon, Gent.
A compleat English dictionary.Containing the true meaning of all words in the English language: also the proper names of all the kingdoms, Towns, and Cities in the world: Properly Explain'd and Alphabetically Dispos'd. Design'd for the use of gentlemen, ladies, Foreigners, Artificers, Tradesmen; and all who desire to speak or write English in its present purity and perfection. By B. N. Defoe, Gent.
A complete and universal English dictionaryincluding not only I. A full explanation of difficult words and technical terms in all faculties and professions ... To the whole is added, an outline of antient and modern history; ... A new edition corrected and improved. By the Rev. James Barclay, ...
A complete dictionary of music.Consisting of a copious explanation of all words necessary to a true knowledge and understanding of music. Translated from the original French of J. J. Rousseau. By William Waring.
A complete dictionary of the English language,both with regard to sound and meaning: one main object of which is, to establish a plain and permanent standard of pronunciation. To which is prefixed a prosodial grammar. By Thomas Sheridan, A.M.
A complete dictionary of the English language,both with regard to sound and meaning: one main object of which is, to establish a plain and permanent standard of pronunciation. To which is prefixed a prosodial grammar. By Thomas Sheridan, A.M.
A complete dictionary of the English language,both with regard to sound and meaning: one main object of which is, to establish a plain and permanent standard of pronunciation. To which is prefixed, a prosodial grammar. By Thomas Sheridan, A.M.
The complete English dictionaryor, general repository of the English language. Containing A Copious Explanation of all the Words in the English Language; Together with Their different Significations, viz. I. The Words, and the various Senses in which they are used. II. The True Pronunciation pointed out by being properly accented. III. Initial Letters placed to devote the Part of Speech to which each Word belongs. IV. A geographical Description of the four Quarters of the World. V. A more particular Description of the Counties, Cities, and principal Towns in England and Wales, than has ever appeared in any Book of this Kind. VI. As the Lives of the English Poets, and others, celebrated for their Learning and Genius, can no where be introduced with more Propriety than in a Dictionary of the English Language, we have enriched our Performance with the most entertaining and authentic Memoirs of those Illustrious Men who have flourished in these Kingdoms. To which will be prefixed, a complete English grammar. By the Rev. Frederick Barlow, M. A. Vicar of Burton. Assisted by several other gentleman.
A complete English dictionary: containing an explanation of all the words made use of in the common occurrences of life, or in the several arts and sciences: So as to convey A precise and determinate Idea of their Meaning, The Accents are placed over the proper Syllables, to point out the true Pronunciation. And, In order to inform those who are unacquainted with Grammar, the initial Letter is placed immediately after every Word, to denote the Part of Speech to which it belongs, viz. whether it be a Verb, a Substantive, an Adjective, &c. By the Rev. Francis Allen, M. A
Correct standardized pronunciation of words in everyday use;a dictionary.
Critical pronouncing dictionary, and expositor of the English language,abridged ... containing a table of the simple and dipthongal vowels referred to by the figures over the letters in this dictionary,
Cyclopædiaor, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences. ... By E. Chambers, F.R.S. With the supplement, and modern improvements, incorporated in one alphabet. By Abraham Rees, D.D. In four volumes ...
Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicumor, a general English dictionary, comprehending a brief, but emphatical and clear explication of all sorts of difficult words, that derive their Original from other Ancient and Modern Languages; as also, of all Terms relating to Arts and Sciences, both Liberal and Mechanical, viz. Divinity, Law, Philosophy, Physick, Surgery, Anatomy, Chymistry, Pharmacy, Botanicks, Mathematicks, Grammar, Rhetorick, Logick, Musick, Heraldry, Maritime Affairs, Military Discipline, Traffick, Husbandry, Gardening, Handicrafts, Confectionery, Cookery, Horsemanship, Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing, &c. To which is Added, A Large Collection of Word's and Phrases, as well Latin as English, made use of in our Ancient Statutes, Old Records, Charters, Writs, and Processes at Law, never before publish'd in so Small a Volume: Besides an Interpretation of the proper Names of Men and Women, and several other Remarkable Particulars mentioned in the Preface. The Whole Work Compil'd, and Methodically Digested, for the Benefit of Young Students, Tradesmen, Artificers, Foreigners, and others, who are desirous thoroughly to understand what they Speak, Read, or Write. By John Kersey, Philobibl.
Dictionarium Britannicumor a more compleat universal etymological English dictionary than any extant. Containing Not only the words and their Explication; but their Etymologies from the antient British, Teutonick, Dutch Low and High, Old Saxon, German, Danish, Swedish, Norman and Modern French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, &c. each in its proper Character. Also Explaining hard and technical Words, or Terms of Art, in all the Arts, Sciences, and Mysteries following. Together with Accents directing to their proper Pronuntiation, shewing both the Orthography, and Orthoepia of the English Tongue, Viz. in Agriculture, Algebra, Anatomy, Architecture, Arithmetick, Astrology, Astronomy, Botanicks, Catoptricks, Chymistry, Chiromancy, Chirurgery, Confectionary, Cookery, Cosmography, Dialling, Dioptricks, Ethicks, Fishing, Fortification, Fowling, Gardening, Gauging, Geography, Geometry, Grammar, Gunnery, Handicrafts, Hawking, Heraldry, Horsemanship, Hunting, Husbandry, Hydraulicks, Hydrography, Hydrostaticks, Law, Logick, Maritime and Military Affairs, Mathematicks, Mechanicks, Merchandize, Metaphysicks, Meteorology, Navigation, Opticks, Otacousticks, Painting, Perspective, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physick, Physiognomy, Pyrotechny, Rhetorick, Sculpture, Staticks, Statuary, Surveying, Theology, and Trigonometry. Illustrated with near Five Hundred Cuts, for Giving a clear Idea of those Figures, not so well apprehended by verbal Description. Likewise A Collection and Explanation of English Proverbs; also of Words and Phrases us'd in our ancient Charters, Statutes, Writs, Old Records and Processes at Law. Also The Iconology, Mythology, Theogony, and Theology of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, &c. being an Account of their Deities, Solemnities, either Religious or Civil, their Divinations, Auguries, Oracles, Hieroglyphicks, and many other curious Matters, necessary to be understood, especially by the Readers of English Poetry. To which is added, A Collection of Proper Maroes of Persons and Places in Great-Britain, &c. with their Erymologies and Explications. The Whole digested into an Alphabetical Order, not only for the Information of the Ignorant, but the Entertainment of the Curious; and also the Benefit of Artificers, Tradesmen, Young Students and Foreigners. A Work useful for such as would Understand what they Read and Hear, Speak what they Mean, and Write true English. The second edition with numerous additions and improvements. By N. Bailey, Assisted in the mathematical part by G. Gordon; in the botanical by P. Miller, and in the etymological, &c. by T. Lediard, Gent. Professor of the Modern Languages in Lower Germany.
The dictionary of distinctions,in three alphabets, containing, I. Words the same in sound, but of different spelling and signification; with which are classed such as have any similarity in sound. II. Words that vary in pronunciation and meaning as accentuated or connected. III. The changes, in sound and sense, produced by the addition of the letter e ... Occasionally interspersed with critical remarks, chiefly philological. With appendix ...
The dictionary of English inflected words, with the syllabication of all the words according to a system founded on well-defined principles;and the system of syllabication as applied to poetry and the scansion of verse. Forming Part II of The handy English word book.
A dictionary of the English language,answering at once the purposes of rhyming, spelling, and pronouncing. On a Plan not hitherto attempted. In which, I. The whole Language is arranged according to its Terminations. II. Every Word is explained and divided into Syllables exactly as pronounced. III. Words liable to a Double Pronunciation are fixed in their True Sound, by a Rhyme. IV. Many Words of established Usage, not to be found in our best Dictionaries, are inserted, and more technical Terms than in any Dictionary, except Chambers's. To which is prefixed A copious Introduction to the various Uses of the Work, with critical and practical Observations on Orthography, Syllabication, Pronunciation, and Rhyme; And for the purposes of poetry is added an index of allowable rhymes. With Authorities for their Usage from our best Authors. By J. Walker, Author of the General Idea of a Pronouncing Dictionary.
A dictionary of the English language.With an alphabetical account of the heathen deities; and a list of the cities, towns, Boroughs, and remarkable Villages, in England and Wales. To which is prefixed a comprehensive view of English Grammar.
A dictionary of the English language:in which the words are deduced from their originals, explained in their different meanings, and authorized by the names of the writers in whose works they are found.
A dictionary, English and Hindoostanee,in which the words are marked with their distinguishing initials; as Hinduwee, Arabic, and Persian. Whence the Hindoostanee or what is Vulgarly, but Improperly, called the Moor Language, is evidently formed. By John Gilchrist. In two parts. Part I.
A DISSERTATION ON THE LANGUAGES, LITERATURE, and MANNERS OF EASTERN NATIONS.A dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English. By John Richardson, Esq. F.S.A. of the Middle Temple, and of Wadham College. Oxford. To which is prefixed a dissertation on the languages, literature, and manners of eastern nations
An english dictionary,explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physick, Philosophy, Law, Navigation, Mathematicks, and other Arts and Sciences. Containing many thousand of hard words (and Proper Names of places) more than are in any other English Dictionary or Expositor: together with the etymological derivation of them from their Proper Fountains, whether, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, or any other Language. In a Method more Comprehensive than any that is Extant. By E. Coles, Schoolmaster, and Teacher of the Tongue to Foreigners.
An etymological dictionary of the English language
A general dictionary of the English language. One main object of which, is, to establish a plain and permanent standard of pronunciation. To which is prefixed a rhetorical grammar. By Thomas Sheridan, A.M
A general dictionary of the English language. One main object of which, is, to establish a plain and permanent standard of pronunciation. To which is prefixed a rhetorical grammar. By Thomas Sheridan, A.M
A general dictionary of the English language.One main object of which, is, to establish a plain and permanent standard of pronunciation. To which is prefixed A rhetorical grammar. By Thomas Sheridan, A.M. Dedicated to the volunteers of Ireland.
A general dictionary of the English language; to which is prefixed, a comprehensive grammar. By William Perry, Author of the New Standard French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. Embellished with a portrait of the author
A general pronouncing and explanatory dictionary of the English language.To which is added, a vocabulary of Scripture proper names, &c.
GRAMMAR. An universal history of arts and sciences: ... The whole extracted from the best authors in all languages, ... By ... Dennis De Coetlogon, ...
GRAMMAR.A new universal history of arts and sciences, shewing their origin, progress, theory, use and practice, and exhibiting The Invention, Structure, Improvement, and Uses, Of the most considerable Instruments, Engines, and Machines, with Their Nature, Power, and Operation, decyphered in fifty two copper-plates. In two volumes
The imperial dictionary of the English language:
The imperial dictionary of the English language:
The imperial dictionary of the English language:
The imperial dictionary, English, technological, and scientific ...
The imperial dictionary, English, technological, and scientific :adapted to the present state of literature, science, and art, on the basis of Webster's dictionary, with the addition of many thousand words and phrases from the other standard dictionaries and encyclopedias, and from numerous other sources ...
The imperial encyclopaedic dictionary;a new and exhaustive work of reference to the English language, defining over 250,000 words, with a full account of their origin, pronunciation and use. Comprising a general encyclopaedia of art, science, invention and discovery; a gazetteer and atlas of the world; a compendious dictionary of universal biography, etc.
The imperial encyclopaedic dictionary;a new and exhaustive work of reference to the English language, defining over 250,000 words, with a full account of their origin, pronunciation and use. Comprising a general encyclopaedia of art, science, invention and discovery; a gazetteer and atlas of the world; a compendious dictionary of universal biography, etc.
The imperial encyclopaedic dictionary;a new and exhaustive work of reference to the English language, defining over 250,000 words, with a full account of their origin, pronunciation and use. Comprising a general encyclopaedia of art, science, invention and discovery; a gazetteer and atlas of the world; a compendious dictionary of universal biography, etc.
The imperial encyclopaedic dictionary;a new and exhaustive work of reference to the English language, defining over 250,000 words, with a full account of their origin, pronunciation and use. Comprising a general encyclopaedia of art, science, invention and discovery; a gazetteer and atlas of the world; a compendious dictionary of universal biography, etc.
The imperial encyclopaedic dictionary;a new and exhaustive work of reference to the English language, defining over 250,000 words, with a full account of their origin, pronunciation and use. Comprising a general encyclopaedia of art, science, invention and discovery; a gazetteer and atlas of the world; a compendious dictionary of universal biography, etc.
The imperial encyclopaedic dictionary;a new and exhaustive work of reference to the English language, defining over 250,000 words, with a full account of their origin, pronunciation and use. Comprising a general encyclopaedia of art, science, invention and discovery; a gazetteer and atlas of the world; a compendious dictionary of universal biography, etc.
The imperial encyclopaedic dictionary;a new and exhaustive work of reference to the English language, defining over 250,000 words, with a full account of their origin, pronunciation and use. Comprising a general encyclopaedia of art, science, invention and discovery; a gazetteer and atlas of the world; a compendious dictionary of universal biography, etc.
The imperial encyclopaedic dictionary;a new and exhaustive work of reference to the English language, defining over 250,000 words, with a full account of their origin, pronunciation and use. Comprising a general encyclopaedia of art, science, invention and discovery; a gazetteer and atlas of the world; a compendious dictionary of universal biography, etc.
The imperial encyclopaedic dictionary;a new and exhaustive work of reference to the English language, defining over 250,000 words, with a full account of their origin, pronunciation and use. Comprising a general encyclopaedia of art, science, invention and discovery; a gazetteer and atlas of the world; a compendious dictionary of universal biography, etc.