Displaying 3,147 digitized works
Germanic origins.
Giant hours with poet preachers,
The Glasgow poets :their lives and poems.
The glory of English prose,letters to my grandson,
A glossary :or, Collection of words, phrases, names, and allusions to customs, proverbs, etc., which have been thought to require illustration, in the words of English authors, particularly Shakespeare, and his contemporaries
A glossary :or, Collection of words, phrases, names, and allusions to customs, proverbs, etc., which have been thought to require illustration, in the words of English authors, particularly Shakespeare, and his contemporaries
Glossographia Anglicana novaor, a Dictionary, Interpreting Such Hard Words of whatever Language, as are at present used in the English Tongue, with their Etymologies, Definitions, &c. Also The Terms of Divinity, Law, Physick, Mathematicks, History, Agriculture, Logick, Metaphysicks, Grammar, Poetry, Musick, Heraldry, Architecture, Painting, War, and all other Arts and Sciences are herein explain'd, from the best Modern Authors; as, Archbishop Tillotson, Sir William Temple, Sir Isaac Newton, Dr. Harris, Dr. Gregory, Mr. Lock, Mr. Evelyn, Mr. Dryden, Mr. Blunt, &c. The second edition, with the addition of above three thousand words, not in the former. Very useful to all Those that desire to understand what They read.
Gnomic poetry in Anglo-Saxon;
Grammar and rhetorick, being the first and third volumes of the Circle of the sciences. Considerably enlarged, and greatly improved
Grammar made familiar and easy to young gentlemen, ladies, and foreigners.To which is added, The art of writing, iilustrated with copper-plates: together with a collection of letters, and directions for addressing persons of distinction, eithter [iN] writing or discourse. Being the first volume of the circle of sciences. Intended to make the youth of each sex universally beloved and admired; and to make them rich, wife, and happy. Published by the King's authority.
Grammar made familiar and easyto young gentlemen, ladies, and foreigners. To which is added, the Art of writing, illustrated with copper plates: together with a collection of letters and directions for addressing persons of distruction, either in writing or discourse. Being the first volume of the Circle of Sciences. Published by the king's authority.
The grammar of English grammars :with an introduction, historical and critical, the whole methodically arranged and amply illustrated ... and a key to the oral exercises, to which are added four appendixes, pertaining separately to the four parts of grammar
A grammar of rhetoric and polite literature ...
A grammar of the English language,in two treatises. The first, containing rules for every part of its construction; With a Praxis both of True and False English, Shewing how the Rules are to be applied in resolving the True, and in rectifying the False. The second, shewing the nature of the several parts of speech, and the Reasons of every Part of Construction. By William Ward, M. A. Master of the Grammar-School at Beverley, in the County of York.
A grammar of the English tongue,with notes, giving the grounds and reason of grammar in general. To which are now added, the arts of poetry, rhetoric, logic, &c. making a compleat system of an English education. For the use of the schools of Great Britain and Ireland.
A grammar of the English tongue.To which are added exercises in bad English, to be corrected by the rules of syntax. By Thomas Coar.
A grammar of the English tongue: with the arts of logick, rhetorick, poetry, &c. illustrated with useful notes; giving the grounds and reasons of grammar in general.The whole making a compleat system of an English education.
The grammar, history and derivation of the English language,with chapters on parsing, analysis of sentences, and prosody.
Grammar-land; or, Grammar in fun for the children of Schoolroom-shire ...
A grammatical institute, of the English language,comprising, an easy, concise, and systematic method of education, designed for the use of English schools in America. In three parts. Part II. Containing, a plain and comprehensive grammar, grounded on the true principles and idioms of the language; with an analytical dissertation, in which the various uses of the auxiliary signs are unfolded and explained: and an essay towards investigating the rules of English verse. By Noah Webster, Jun. Esq. [One line in Latin from Cicero].
Grammatical institutesor, an easy introduction to Dr. Lowth's English grammar: designed for the use of schools, And to lead Young Gentlemen and Ladies into the Knowledge of the first Principles of the English Language. By John Ash, LL. D. with an Appendix, Containing, I. The Declension of irregular and defective Verbs. II. The Application of the Grammatical Institutes. III. Some Useful Observations on the Ellipfis. IV. Exercises of Bad English.
Grammatical strictures on the English language. By William Belchier, Esq. Kent
Grammatical synthesis :the art of English composition
The grammatical wreathor, a complete system of English grammar : Being A Selection Of The Most Instructive Rules From All The Principal English Grammars: In Two Parts: Part I. Containing such Rules as are necessary for the Instruction of Youth, with pertinent Examples for their Elucidation. Part II. Such further Rules and Observations as are needful for the Attainment of the English Language in its utmost Purity and Elegance. A Work Not only calculated for the Improvement of the Inhabitants of Great Britain in their native Tongue, but from which the English Language may be acquired by Foreigners, with the greatest Facility. By Alexr. Bicknell, Esq.
The great abuse of musick.In two parts. ... By Arthur Bedford, ...
Great English poets.
The great epic of India;its character and origin,
The great tradition;a book of selections from English and American prose and poetry, illustrating the national ideals of freedom, faith, and conduct,
The greater English poets of the nineteenth century,
The greater Victorian poets.
The Grecian drama;a treatise on the dramatic literature of the Greeks.
Greek and Latin glyconics,
Greek and Roman versificationwith an introduction on the development of ancient versification,
Greek and Roman versification,
Greek gradus :or, Greek, Latin, and English prosodial lexicon ; containg the interpretation, in Latin and English, of all words which occur in the Greek poets ... and also the quantities of each syllable ...
Greek influence on English poetry
Greek lyric metre.
Greek melic poets,
The Greek theatre of Father Brumoy.Translated by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. In three volumes.
Greek tragedy
Greek tragedy,
GREENLAND POETRY.Anecdotes, historical and literary; or a miscellaneous selection of curious and striking passages, from eminent modern authors.
The grounds of criticism in poetry, contain'd in some new discoveries never made before, requisite for the writing and judging of poems surely. Being a preliminary to a larger work design'd to be publish'd in folio, and entituled, A criticism upon our most celebrated English poets deceas'd. By Mr. Dennis
The growth and influence of classical Greek poetry ;lectures delivered in 1892 on the Percy Turnbull memorial foundation in the Johns Hopkins University
The growth and influence of classical Greek poetry;lectures delivered in 1892 on the Percy Turnbull Memorial Foundation in the Johns Hopkins University.
The growth of English drama,
The growth of religious ideals as illustrated by the great English poets
A guide to English literature :and Essay on Gray,
A guide to the Anglo-Saxon tongue :a grammar after Erasmus Rask ; extracts in prose and verse with notes, etc. for the use of learners and an appendix
A guide to the middle English metrical romances dealing with English and Germanic legends, and with the cycles of Charlemagne and of Arthur;