
        Displaying 3,147 digitized works
  1. 1351

    Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres

  2. 1352

    Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres

  3. 1353

    Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres

  4. 1354

    Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres

  5. 1355

    Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres :chiefly from the kectures of Dr. Blair

  6. 1356

    Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres;chiefly from the lectures of Dr. Blair.

  7. 1357

    Lectures on rhetoric and oratory :delivered to the classes of senior and junior sophisters in Harvard University

  8. 1358

    Lectures on rhetoric and oratory :delivered to the classes of senior and junior sophisters in Harvard University

  9. 1359

    Lectures on rhetoric,

  10. 1360

    Lectures on rhetoric,abridged, with questions.

  11. 1361

    Lectures on rhetoric.Abridged. With questions.

  12. 1362

    Lectures on the art of reading.

  13. 1363

    Lectures on the art of reading.

  14. 1364

    Lectures on the art of reading.In two parts. Containing Part I. The art of reading prose. Part II. The art of reading verse. By Thomas Sheridan, A.M.

  15. 1365

    Lectures on the British poets

  16. 1366

    Lectures on the British poets

  17. 1367

    Lectures on the British poets

  18. 1368

    Lectures on the dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth

  19. 1369

    Lectures on the dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth

  20. 1370

    Lectures on the English language : first series

  21. 1371

    Lectures on the English poets

  22. 1372

    Lectures on the English poets

  23. 1373

    Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrewstranslated from the Latin of the Right Rev. Robert Lowth, D. D. Late Praelector of Poetry in the University of Oxford, and Now Lord Bishop of London, by G. Gregory, F. A. S. Author of Essays Historical and Moral. To which are Added, The Principal Notes of Professor Michaelis, and Notes by the Translator and Others.

  24. 1374

    Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrewstranslated from the Latin of the Right Rev. Robert Lowth, D. D. Late Praelector of Poetry in the University of Oxford, and Now Lord Bishop of London, by G. Gregory, F. A. S. Author of Essays Historical and Moral. To which are Added, The Principal Notes of Professor Michaelis, and Notes by the Translator and Others.

  25. 1375

    Lectures read to the seniors in Harvard college.

  26. 1376

    Lectures shewing the several sources of that pleasure which the human mind receives from poetry. By the Rev. James Hurdis. ...

  27. 1377

    Leisure labors;or, Miscellanies historical, literary, and political.

  28. 1378

    Lesser Poets of the Middle and Later Nineteenth CenturyThe Cambridge history of English literature,

  29. 1379

    Lesser Verse WritersThe Cambridge history of English literature

  30. 1380

    Lessing's feeling for classic rhythms.

  31. 1381

    Lessons in elocution : or, A selection of pieces in prose and verse for the improvement of youth in reading and speaking

  32. 1382

    Lessons in emphasis, containing all the rules of emphasis;all the methods of emphasis; ...

  33. 1383

    Lessons in English ...

  34. 1384

    Lessons in English ...

  35. 1385

    Lessons in English :adapted to the study of American classics : a text-book for high schools and academies

  36. 1386

    Lessons in language and literature,

  37. 1387

    Lessons in voice culture;the perfect method. Designed for the reader, the orator, the actor, the teacher, the pupil, the elocutionist; and as the foundation of the singing voice.

  38. 1388

    LETTER LIV.A collection of miscellany letters, selected out of Mist's Weekly Journal. ...

  39. 1389

    LETTER LV.A collection of miscellany letters, selected out of Mist's Weekly Journal. ...

  40. 1390

    A LETTER of ADVICE to a Young POET: Together with a PROPOSAL for the Encouragement of POETRY in this Kingdom.A supplement to the Works of the most celebrated minor poets. Namely, E. of Roscommon, - Dorset, - Hallifax, - Godolphin, Lord Somers, Dr. Sprat, Bishop of Rochester, Sir Samuel Garth, George Stepney, Esq; William Walsh, Esq; Thomas Tickell, Esq; and Ambrose Phillips, Esq; To which are added, pieces omitted in the works of Sir John Suckling, Mr. Otway, Matthew Prior, Esq; Dr. King, and Dean Swift

  41. 1391

    A Letter to a Musician on English ProsodyThe Musical antiquary

  42. 1392

    Letters from an English traveller in Spain, in 1778, on the origin and progress of poetry in that Kingdomwith occasional reflections on manners and customs; and illustrations of the romance of Don Quixote. Adorned with portraits of the most eminent poets.

  43. 1393

    Letters of literature.By Robert Heron, Esq.

  44. 1394

    Letters to a young lady on a course of English poetry

  45. 1395

    Letters, addressed chiefly to a young gentleman, upon subjects of literatureincluding a translation of Euclid's section of the canon; ... with an explanation of the Greek musical modes, ... By Charles Davy, ... In two volumes.

  46. 1396

    Letters, by several eminent persons deceasedIncluding the correspondence of John Hughes, Esq. (author of the siege of damascus) and several of his friends, published from the originals: with notes explanatory and historical.

  47. 1397

    Letters, by several eminent persons deceasedIncluding the correspondence of John Hughes, esq. (Author of the Siege of Damascus) and several of his friends, published from the originals: with notes explanatory and historical. By John Duncombe, M.A. One of the six preachers in christ church, Canterbury. In three volumes.

  48. 1398

    Lexiphanes,a dialogue. Imitated from Lucian, and suited to the present times. Being an attempt to restore the English tongue to its ancient purity, and to correct, as well as expose, the affected style ... of our English Lexiphanes, the Rambler.

  49. 1399

    License in English RhymeThe nation.

  50. 1400

    Licentia poetica discuss'dor, the true test of poetry. Without which it is difficult to judge of, or compose, a correct English poem. To which are added, critical observations on the principal, antient and modern poets. Viz. Homer, Horace, Virgil, Milton, Waller, Cowley, Dryden, &c. as frequently liable to Just Censure. A poem. By W. Coward, Coll. Med. Lond. M.D.