
        Displaying 3,147 digitized works
  1. 1251

    An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament

  2. 1252

    An introduction to the methods and materials of literary criticism :the bases in aesthetics and poetics

  3. 1253

    An introduction to the principal Greek tragic and comic metres :in scansion, structure and ictus, with an appendix on syllabic quantity in Homer and Aristophanes

  4. 1254

    An introduction to the principal Greek tragic and comic metres :with appendix on syllabic quantity in Homer and Aristophanes ; to which are now added treatises on the Sapphic stanza and the Elegiac distich

  5. 1255

    An introduction to the rhythmic and metric of the classical languages.To which are added the lyric parts of the Medea of Euripedes and the Antigone of Sophocles, with rhythmical schemes and commentary.

  6. 1256

    An introduction to the scientific study of English poetry;being prolegomena to a science of English prosody,

  7. 1257

    Introduction to the study of English literature,

  8. 1258

    An introduction to the study of poetry

  9. 1259

    An introduction to the verse of Terence.

  10. 1260

    Introductions to notable poems,

  11. 1261

    Introductions to the poets.

  12. 1262

    Introductions to the twelve volumes of the Mermaid edition of Elizabethan playwrights.

  13. 1263

    Introductory Essay on the Metre of Anglo-Saxon PoetryArchaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity

  14. 1264

    Introductory notes to the study of poetry,

  15. 1265

    The Invention of the SonnetModern philology.

  16. 1266

    The Inventor of the English HexameterModern language notes.

  17. 1267

    'Inverted Feet' in VerseThe Academy.

  18. 1268

    "Inverted Feet:" A Reply to Mr. OmondThe Academy.

  19. 1269

    An investigation of the rimes and phonology of the Middle-Scotch romance Clariodus.A contribution to the history of the English language in Scotland ...

  20. 1270

    Investigations on the Nature of VerseVox :

  21. 1271

    The irish spelling-bookor, instruction for the reading of English, fitted for the youth of Ireland. In which are set forth many useful Observations in Spelling, Alterations, and Amendments in the Sounds of Letters, both Single and Double; Exact Formations of both Sorts by the several Organs of Voice;-A Discourse on Prosody: A large Chapter about various Quantities of Vowels, Change, and Loss of Letters and Syllables in Pronunciation;-Rules for the right Reading of Prose and Verse;-A new Method of Parsing, according to Orthography and Prosody;-A Method of Teaching, useful both to Scholars and their Teachers; -And many other necessary Things, interspersed in each Part of the Book.

  22. 1272

    AN IRONICAL ABUSE OF POETRY.Poems by George Butt. In two volumes. ...

  23. 1273

    Irregular Epic Metres: A Comparative Study of the Metre of the Poem of the Cid and of Certain Anglo-Norman, Franco-Italian, and Venetian Epic PoemsHomenaje ofrecido a Menéndez Pidal;

  24. 1274

    Irregularities in VerseEnglish journal.

  25. 1275

    Is Blank Verse Lawless?Poet lore.

  26. 1276

    Is Rhyme Indispensable?The Westminster review.

  27. 1277

    Is Verse a Trammel?The gentleman's magazine.

  28. 1278

    Isaiah. A new translation: with a preliminary dissertation, and notes, critical, philological, and explanatory.By Robert Lowth, D.D. F.R.SS. Lond. and Goetting. lord bishop of London.

  29. 1279

    The Italian Lyrics of Sidney's ArcadiaThe Sewanee review.

  30. 1280

    The Italian Source of Antonio Scoppa's Theory of French VersificationRomanic review.

  31. 1281

    The Ives first book

  32. 1282

    The Jacobean poets.

  33. 1283

    John Davidson;a study of the relation of his ideas to his poetry,

  34. 1284

    John Keats :his life and poetry, his friends, critics and afterfame

  35. 1285

    John Webster and the Elizabethan drama

  36. 1286

    Johnson's theory of poetry as expressed in his Lives of the English poets

  37. 1287

    Joshua Steele on Speech-Melody (1779)The Modern language review.

  38. 1288

    The Journal of English studies.

  39. 1289

    The Journal of English studies.

  40. 1290

    Judith;studies in metre, language and style, with a view to determining the date of the Oldenglish fragment and the home of its author ...

  41. 1291

    Julian of Toledo 'De vitiis et figuris',

  42. 1292

    The junior highway to English :a textbook for the seventh and eighth years

  43. 1293

    The junior ladies' reader, a choice and varied collection of prose and verse,with a synopsis of the elementary principles of elocution ...

  44. 1294

    The juvenile expositor : or,Sequel to the common spelling-book ; containing a collection of the most useful words in the English language, clearly explained, and adapted to the comprehension of young persons ; being an introduction to Walker's dictionary ; with a course of reading lessons in prose and verse... ; to which is added the abridgment of Murray's English grammar, with his latest improvements, additions, and corrections ; with an additional appendix...

  45. 1295

    The key to English grammar :in which the most difficult examples of syntax are illustrated, to abridge the labour of the instructor and facilitate the progress of the learner

  46. 1296

    Key to practical English prosody and versification.

  47. 1297

    Kinaesthetic VersePoetry.

  48. 1298

    The kinds of poetry :and other essays

  49. 1299

    Kinetic and Potential SpeechThe Oxford and Cambridge review

  50. 1300

    King Horn, with fragments of Floriz and Blauncheflur, and of the Assumption of Our Lady :from a ms (GG.47.2) in the Cambridge University Library, also, from mss. in the British Museum, The Assumption of Our Lady (add. mss. 10036), and Fragments of the Floyres and Blancheflur (cotton vitellius D.III)