
The Princeton Prosody Archive is divided into six collections, curated by the project team. Users are able to search across collections, within a single collection, or within any combination of collections. Select a collection to view it within the Archive.


180 digitized works · 1712–1921

A collection of works that provide words (usually organized alphabetically) and their definitions. Often, material pertaining to pronunciation and prosody appears in prefaces or appendices to these works.


3,430 digitized works · 1532–1929

A collection of grammar books as well as guides to rhetoric, composition, elocution, and speech that make little or no direct reference to versification.


4,293 digitized works · 1559–1929

A collection of versification manuals, handbooks, treatises, scholarly essays, reviews, and introductions to prosodic systems, including the Original Bibliography and more.

Original Bibliography

986 digitized works · 1559–1929

A collection of works cited in T. V. F. Brogan’s 1981 bibliography, English Versification, 1570-1980: A Reference Guide With a Global Appendix. For more information, see “History of the Archive” under “About.”

Typographically Unique

708 digitized works · 1617–1929

A collection of works that use musical notation, invented diacritical marks, phonetic scripts, universal alphabets, and more common marks for stress (the ictus or an “x” mark).

Word Lists

403 digitized works · 1569–1922

A collection of pronunciation guides as well as rhyming dictionaries. Several important reprinted works on pronunciation (i.e. Walker) contain long rhyming dictionaries at the end.