
        Displaying 4,924 digitized works
  1. 4551

    The Three Rondeaux of Sir Thomas Wyatt.Modern language notes.

  2. 4552

    Time in English verse rhythm;an empirical study of typical verses by the graphic method,

  3. 4553


  4. 4554

    To Mr. T. S. in Vindication of Mr. Mil∣ton's Paradise lostMiscellaneous letters and essays on several subjects philosophical, moral, historical, critical, amorous, &c., in prose and verse

  5. 4555

    To my Honoured and Ingenious Friend Mr. Harrington, for the Modern Poets against the AncientsMiscellaneous letters and essays on several subjects philosophical, moral, historical, critical, amorous, &c., in prose and verse

  6. 4556

    To what end do high schools teach English?

  7. 4557

    The tone placed and developed,

  8. 4558

    The torch, and other lectures and addresses.

  9. 4559

    The tour of Doctor Syntax through London, or, The pleasures and miseries of the metropolis :a poem

  10. 4560

    Tower's common school grammar :with models of clausal, phrasal, and verbal analysis and parsing ; gradually developing the construction of the English sentence

  11. 4561

    The town and country spelling-bookin four parts. Part I. Contains single words and short sentences, with the syllables in each word divided as they are pronounced. Part II. Contains single words only, with their syllables undivided; and comprehends all the longest and most difficult words in the English Language. Part III. Contains moral and entertaining lessons, with the syllables in each word undivided. Part IV. Contains a plain and comprehensive view of the pronunciation of the best speakers in London; designed more particularly for the use of schools at a distance from London. With an appendix, containing observations on Accent, Emphasis, Pauses, &c. By Cortes Telfair, Curer of Impediments in Speech.

  12. 4562

    Town's new speller and definer :containing a new and complete key to pronunciation, an introduction to the "Analysis of derivative words in the English language", dictation exercises, and various other improvements

  13. 4563

    The Towneley plays :re-edited from the unique ms.

  14. 4564

    Traces of epic influence in the tragedies of Aeschylus

  15. 4565

    A tract on the present state of English pronunciation,

  16. 4566

    Tradition and reaction in modern poetry,

  17. 4567

    The training of boys' voices,

  18. 4568

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  19. 4569

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  20. 4570

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  21. 4571

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  22. 4572

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  23. 4573

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  24. 4574

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  25. 4575

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  26. 4576

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  27. 4577

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  28. 4578

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  29. 4579

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  30. 4580

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  31. 4581

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  32. 4582

    Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association

  33. 4583

    Transactions of the Philological Society

  34. 4584

    Transactions of the Philological Society

  35. 4585

    Transactions of the Philological Society

  36. 4586

    The Translation of Anglo-Saxon PoetryPublications of the Modern Language Association of America

  37. 4587

    The Translation of BeowulfModern language notes.

  38. 4588

    The translation of Beowulf :and the relations of ancient and modern English verse.

  39. 4589

    Translations from modern Chinese.

  40. 4590

    Translations from modern Chinese.

  41. 4591

    The translator, English into French.Selections from the best English prose writers, with principles of translation, idiomatic phrases, and notes.

  42. 4592

    The Treasury of knowledge and library of reference ...

  43. 4593

    The Treasury of knowledge and library of reference ...

  44. 4594

    The Treasury of knowledge, and library of reference ...

  45. 4595

    A treatise of English particles,shewing much of the variety of their significations and uses in English: and how to render them into Latine according to the propriety and elegancy of that language. With a praxis upon the same.

  46. 4596

    A treatise of languages wherein are laid down the general principles of each, with proper rules to judge of their respective merits and excellence, and more particularly of the French and English.Wrote originally in French by Monsieur Du Tremblay, professor of languages in the Royal Academy of Angers in France. And now translated into English by M.H.

  47. 4597

    A treatise of musick, speculative, practical and historical

  48. 4598

    A treatise of the figures of grammer and rhetorikeprofitable for al that be studious of eloquence, and in especiall for suche as in grammer scholes doe reade moste eloquente poetes and oratours: whereunto is ioygned the oration which Cicero made to Cesar, geuing thankes vnto him for pardonyng, and restoring again of that noble ma[n] Marcus Marcellus, sette foorth by Richarde Sherrye Londonar.

  49. 4599

    A treatise of the several measures used by Horace in his odes and epodesmade English from Aldus Manutius; together with some further observations on, and Explanations of the same; translated from the French of Mons. de Martignac, and Trait? de la Methode Latine de Mons. Lancelot; being very necessary for school-boys that read Horace, to give them a Thorow Knowledge of the Composition of all the different Odes of that Poet.

  50. 4600

    A treatise on English versification.