Displaying 4,924 digitized works
A suggested course in English for high schools.
Suggestions for a System of Scansion of EnglishThe Poetry review.
Suggestions for teachers in evening elementary schools.
Summary of English grammar :compiled for the use of the Notting Hill high school.
Supervised study in English for junior high school grades,
A supplement to Dr. Harris's Dictionary of arts and sciencesexplaining not only the Terms in Physics, Metaphysics, Ethics, Theology, History, Geography, Antiquity, Chronology, Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Poetry, Pharmacy, Medicine, Chymistry, Surgery, Phytology, War, Polity, Navigation, Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Music, Commerce, Trade, Husbandry, Manage, Horticulture, &c. &c. &c. but also the arts and sciences themselves: Together with a just Account of the Origin, Progress, and State of Things, Offices, Officers, and Orders, Ecclesiastical, Civil, Military, and Commercial; the several Sects, Systems, Doctrines, and Opinions of Divines, Heresiarchs, Schismatics, Philosophers, Mathematicians, Physicians, Critics, Antiquaries, &c. Also an account of all sacred books and writings; History of General and Particular Councils; all Solemnities, Rites, Ceremonies, Fasts, Feasts, Statutes, Laws, Plays, Sports, Games, Habits, and Utensils: in all which, (as likewise in Metaphysics, Theology, Antiquity, Grammar, Rhetoric, Poetry, Polity, and other miscellaneous Subjects,) this Book is of itself entirely compleat, and more copious and extensive than any Work of this Kind, not excepting Mr. Chamber's Cyclopaedia, of which it is a very great Improvement, containing upwards of Eleven Hundred Articles which that Author has omitted; besides great Additions and Improvements in almost every Article; and will, with Dr. Harris's two Volumes, make the most useful Set of Books, and compleat Body of Arts and Sciences yet extant: Being carefully compiled from the best and most approved Authors in several Languages; enriched with many curious Manuscripts, and illustrated with Copper-Plates. N. B. Those Subjects in which Dr. Harris is any way deficient are here perfected; no trifling and Insignificent Words inserted, but only such as may convey some useful and entertaining Knowledge to the Reader; for whose further Benefit and Satisfaction, all the Authors made use of in this Work are quoted. By a Society of Gentlemen.
Supplement to the edition of Shakspeare's plays published in 1778 by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. In two volumes. Containing additional observations ... to which are subjoined the genuine poems of the same author, and seven plays that have been ascribed to him; with notes by the editor and others
A supplement to the Imperial dictionary, English, technological, and scientific :an extensive collection of words, terms, and phrases ... together with numerous obsolete, obsolescent, and Scottish words ... not included in previous English dictionaries
A supplement to the two volumes of the second edition of The essay on the archaeology of our popular phrases, terms, and nursery rhymes
Supplements to the third and final series of bibliographical collections and notes,1474-1700
A sure guide for all youth.Consisting of three parts: I. Seven gradations of spelling and reading. II. Of the Creation, Fall of Man, and his Recovery. III. Miscellaneous; useful and good both for Master and Scholar. Abstracted entirely from the holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. By Edward Dearle, Schoolmaster, Golden-Lane.
Surrey's Contribution to English PoetryThe poems of Henry Howard, earl of Surrey
Surrey's Contribution to English VerseThe poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
Swedish phonology,
Sweetness and light :(reprinted from "Culture and anarchy"); and an essay on style
Swinburne as a MetricianThe Academy and literature
Swinburne's Poetic Theories and PracticeThe Sewanee review.
Syllabification and accent in the Paradise lost.
A syllabus in spelling and pronunciation,
Syllabus of a course of rhetorical lecturesin which the art of reading and speaking the English language With Elegance and Propriety, will be laid down on principles entirely new; and Illustrated in a Manner adapted to every Capacity. By John Rice, author of An introduction to the art of reading with Energy and Propriety *, and Editor of Milton's Paradise Lost, on a new Plan, For the Use of Schools *. * To be published, in a few Days, for Messrs. J. and R. Tonson in the Strand.
Syllabus of a course of twelve lectures on landmarks of English poetry,from Chaucer to Tennyson.
Synopsis of lectures on belles lettres and logic,read in the University of St. Andrews.
Synopsis of Old English phonology, :being a systematic account of Old English vowels and consonants and their correspondences in the cognate languages,
A syntactic, stylistic and metrical study of Prudentius.
Synthesis of the English sentence, or, An elementary grammar on the synthetic method
The synthetic philosophy of expression as applied to the arts of reading, oratory, and personation,
A synthetical grammar of the English language,adapted to the instruction of private students, containing rules and observations well illustrated for assisting the student to write with perspicuity and accuracy.
Syr P.S. His Astrophel and StellaWherein the excellence of sweete poesie is concluded. To the end of which are added, sundry other rare sonnets of diuers noble men and gentlemen.
A system of elocution,with special reference to gesture, to the treatment of stammering, and defective articulation ...
A system of English versification :containing rules for the structure of the different kinds of verse : illustrated by numerous examples from the best poets
SYSTEM OF GRAMMAR.The new royal encyclopædia; or, complete modern dictionary of arts and sciences, on an improved plan. Containing a new, universal, accurate, and copious display of the whole theory and practice of the liberal and mechanical arts, and all the respective sciences, ... In three volumes. ... By William Henry Hall, ... assisted by other learned and ingenious gentlemen
A system of Greek prosody and metre :for the use of schools and colleges : together with the choral scanning of the Prometheus vinctus of Aeschylus, and the Ajax and Oedipus tyrannus of Sophocles : to which are appended remarks on Indo-Germanic analogies
A system of Latin prosody and metre,from the best authorities, ancient and modern.
A system of Latin versification :in a series of progressive exercises, including specimens of translation from English and German poetry into Latin verse : for the use of schools and colleges
A system of notation;representing the sounds of alphabetical characters by a new application of the accentual marks in present use: with such additions as were necessary to supply deficiencies.
A system of oratory, delivered in a course of lectures publicly read at Gresham College, London: :to which is prefixed an inaugural oration, spoken in Latin, before the commencement of the lectures, according to the usual custom.
A system of oratory, delivered in a course of lectures publicly read at Gresham College, London: :to which is prefixed an inaugural oration, spoken in Latin, before the commencement of the lectures, according to the usual custom.
A system of phonic writing.
A system of practical elocution and rhetorical gesture;comprising all the elements of vocal delivery, both as a science and as an art; so arranged and exemplified as to make it easy of acquisition for private learners without a teacher, as well as for the use of common schools, academies, seminaries ...
A system of rhetoric.In a method entirely new. Containing all the tropes and figures necessary to illustrate the classics. Both poetical and historical. To render which more generally useful, the whole is divided into two parts; in the first of which the rules are given in English, in the second in Latin verse; below which are placed proper examples in each language; and at the bottom of the page are the terms translated in the one, and their derivations from the Greek in the other. For the use of schools. By John Stirling, D.D. late vicar of Great Gaddesden, Hertfordshire.
A system of rhetorick,in a method entirely new. Containing all the tropes and figures, necessary to illustrate the classicks, both Poetical and Historical. For the Use of Schools. By John Sterling, M.A. To which is added, The art of rhetorick made easy: or the elements of oratory, Briefly stated, and fitted for the Practice of the Studious Youth of Great - Britain and Ireland: Illustrated with proper Examples to each Figure, and a Collection of Speeches from the best English Authors. By John Holmes.
A systematic text-book of English grammar,on the eclectic plan; with progressive questions and exercises.
Systematick lectures on English grammar, on a new and highly approved plan :containing a systematick order for parsing, a systematick ordo, extensive examples of false syntax for oral correction, and a key to the oral exercises ...
The table talk and Omniana of Samuel Taylor Coleridge...
Table talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge,and The Rime of the ancient mariner, Christabel, &c.,
Tacitus,and other Roman studies,
Tales fom Scottish history in prose and verse.Selected from the works of standard authors.
Talks on writing English,
Talks on writing English,
The Tapping Test for ImmortalityThe Sewanee review.