
        Displaying 1,850 digitized works
  1. 1251

    The poems of Caius Valerius Catullus,In English Verse: with the Latin Text Revised, and Classical Notes. Prefixed are Engravings of Catullus, and his Friend Cornelius Nepos: in two Volumes.

  2. 1252

    The poems of Henry Howard, earl of Surrey.

  3. 1253

    The poems of OssianTranslated by James Macpherson, Esq; In two volumes.

  4. 1254

    Poems on interesting events in the reign of King Edward III.Written, in the year Mccclii. By Laurence Minot. With a preface, dissertations, notes, and a glossary.

  5. 1255

    Poems on several occasionsand Two Critical Essays, viz. The first, On the Harmony, Variety, and Power of Numbers, whether in Prose or Verse. The second, On the Numbers of Paradise Lost. By Mr. Samuel Say.

  6. 1256

    Poems on several occasions.

  7. 1257

    Poems upon several occasions,English, Italian, and Latin, with translations, by John Milton. Viz. Lycidas, L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, Arcades, Comus, Odes, Sonnets, Miscellanies, English Psalms, Elegiarum Liber, Epigrammatum Liber, Sylvarum Liber. With notes critical and explanatory, and other illustrations, by Thomas Warton, B. D. Late Fellow of Trinity College, Professor of Poetry, and Camden Professor of History, at Oxford.

  8. 1258

    Poems, by J.D. VVith elegies on the authors death

  9. 1259

    Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol,in the fifteenth century, by Thomas Rowley, Priest, &c. With a commentary, in which the antiquity of them is considered, and defended. By Jeremiah Milles, D. D. dean of exeter.

  10. 1260

    Poesis rediviva, or, Poesie reviv'd

  11. 1261

    The poet's craft;an outline of English verse composition for schools,

  12. 1262

    The poetic of Aristotle translated from the Greek,with notes. By Henry James Pye Esq.

  13. 1263

    Poetic romancers after 1850,

  14. 1264


  15. 1265

    The Poetical Feast.All the familiar Colloquies of Desiderius Erasmus, of Roterdam, concerning men, manners, and things, translated into English. By N. Bailey.

  16. 1266

    Poetical miscellanies.Including translations from Petrarch. By J. Penn, Esq.

  17. 1267

    The poetical registeror, the lives and characters of all the English poets. With an account of their writings. Adorned with curious sculptures engraven by the best masters.

  18. 1268

    The poetical registeror, the lives and characters of all the English poets. With an account of their writings. Adorned with curious sculptures engraven by the best masters.

  19. 1269

    The poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith, Tobias Smollett, Samuel Johnson, and William Shenstone. With biographical notices, and notes.

  20. 1270

    The poetical worksof Thomas Gray, LL. B. Late Professor of Modern Languages and History in the University of Cambridge. with some account of his life and writings. The whole carefully revised; and illustrated by notes, original and selected. To which are annexed, poems written by, addressed to, or in memory of, Mr. Gray; Several of which were never before Collected.

  21. 1271

    Poetical works.

  22. 1272

    Poetical works.

  23. 1273

    Poetical works.

  24. 1274

    Poetical works.

  25. 1275

    Poetical works.

  26. 1276

    Poetical works.

  27. 1277

    Poetics, an essay on poetry

  28. 1278

    Poetrie.Wits common wealth The second part. A treasurie of diuine, morall, and phylosophicall similies, and sentences, generally vsefull. But more particularly published, for the vse of schooles.

  29. 1279

    PoetryThe alliance of musick, poetry and oratory. Under the head of poetry is considered the alliance and nature of the epic and dramatic poem, as it exists in the Iliad, Aeneid and Paradise Lost.

  30. 1280

    Poetry and commonplace,by John Bailey.

  31. 1281

    Poetry and drama.

  32. 1282

    Poetry and drama.

  33. 1283

    Poetry and poets:a collection of the choicest anecdotes relative to the poets of every age and nation.

  34. 1284

    Poetry and poets:a collection of the choicest anecdotes relative to the poets of every age and nation.

  35. 1285

    Poetry and poets:a collection of the choicest anecdotes relative to the poets of every age and nation.

  36. 1286

    Poetry and prose;being essays on modern English poetry.

  37. 1287

    Poetry made familiar and easy,and embellished with a great variety of epigrams, Epitaphs, Songs, Odes, Pastorals, &c. from the best Authors. Being the fourth volume of the Circle of the sciences, &c. Published by the King's Authority.

  38. 1288

    Poetry of America;selections from one hundred American poets from 1776 to 1876.

  39. 1289

    POETRY.An universal history of arts and sciences: ... The whole extracted from the best authors in all languages, ... By ... Dennis De Coetlogon, ...

  40. 1290

    POETRY. A new universal history of arts and sciences, shewing their origin, progress, theory, use and practice, and exhibiting The Invention, Structure, Improvement, and Uses, Of the most considerable Instruments, Engines, and Machines, with Their Nature, Power, and Operation, decyphered in fifty two copper-plates. In two volumes

  41. 1291

    Poets of the democracy

  42. 1292

    Poets of the younger generation

  43. 1293

    Poets the interpreters of their age,

  44. 1294

    Poets.Wits common wealth The second part. A treasurie of diuine, morall, and phylosophicall similies, and sentences, generally vsefull. But more particularly published, for the vse of schooles.

  45. 1295

    The poets: Geoffrey Chaucer to Alfred Tennyson, 1340-1892 :impressions

  46. 1296

    The poets: Geoffrey Chaucer to Alfred Tennyson, 1340-1892 :impressions

  47. 1297

    Political poems and songs relating to English history, composed during the period from the accession of Edw.III. to that of Ric.

  48. 1298

    Polymetisor, an enquiry concerning the agreement between the works of the Roman poets, and the remains of the antient artists. Being an attempt to illustrate them mutually from one another. In ten books. By the Revd. Mr. Spence.

  49. 1299

    Pomery-Hill.A poem. Humbly addressed to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. With other poems, English and Latin.

  50. 1300

    Pope's Essay on criticism