Displaying 1,869 digitized works
1. Certayne notes of instruction in English verse 1575.2. The steele glas ... 1576. 3. The complaynt of Philomene ... 1576. Preceded by George Whetstone's A remembrance of the well imployed life, and godly end of George Gascoigne, Esquire.
An abridgement of the last quarto edition of Ainsworth's dictionary, English and Latin.... By Thomas Morell, ...
An abridgment of L. Murray's English grammar.With an appendix, containing an exemplification of the parts of speech, and exercises in syntax. Designed for the use of the younger class of learners. By Lindley Murray.
The abridgment of the new method of learning easily and expeditiously the Greek tongue.Translated from the French of Messieurs de Port Royal. With considerable improvements. To which is added, an abridgment of the Greek roots. For the Use of Schools.
An abstract of English grammar and rhetoriccontaining the chief principles and rules of both arts, necessary to the Writing the Language Correctly and Handsomely. In a New, Easy, and Distinct Method. Designed to Introduce the English Scholar to a just Notion of the Propriety, and Beauty, of his Mother Tongue. By Daniel Turner.
The abuse of the singing & speaking voice;causes, effects, and treatment,
The accidence; or, First rudiments of English grammar ...
The accidence;or, First rudiments of English grammar. Designed for the use of young ladies.
An ACCOUNT of the ensuing POEM, In a LETTER to the Honourable Sir ROBERT HOWARD.The miscellaneous works of John Dryden, Esq; containing all his original poems, tales, and translations, in four volumes. ...
An accurate new spelling dictionary, and expositor of the English language.Containing a much larger collection of modern words than any book of the kind and price extant: and shewing how the same are to be written correctly, and pronounced properly; with the different meanings or significations of each word. To which is added, an entire new dictionary of all the Heathen Gods and Goddesses: and also of the illustrious heroes treated of by Homer, Virgil, Ovid, and other antient poets: with a summary account of their origin, descent, expolits, &c. To the whole is prefixed, a compendious, practical grammar of the English language. By A. Fisher, author of the practical new English grammar, with exercises of bad English: the new English tutor, calculated for the new method of teaching, &c.
Acting and the art of speech :at the Paris Conservatoire. Hints on reading, reciting, acting, and the cure of stammering
The actor's art;a practical treatise on stage declamation, public speaking, and deportment, for the use of artists, students, and amateurs, including a sketch on the history of the theatre, from the Greeks to the present time.
THE ACTOR. ADDRESSED TO BONNELL THORNTON, Esq; BY THE SAME.A collection of the most esteemed pieces of poetry, that have appeared for several years. With variety of originals, by the late Moses Mendez, Esq; and other contributors to Dodsley's Collection. To which this is intended as a supplement
Additional NoteWorks ...
The Advancement and Reformation of Modern PoetryMiscellaneous tracts
The adventures of Doctor Comicusor The frolicks of fortune. A comic satirical poem for the squeamish & the queer. In twelve cantos,
Aelfric's Lives of saints :being a set of sermons on saints' days formerly observed by the English Church
The "Aeneid" of VirgilLiterary remains of Charles Stuart Calverley
The age of Dryden
The age of Milton
The age of Shakespeare (1579-1631)
The age of Shakespeare (1579-1631)
The alliance of musick, poetry and oratory.Under the head of poetry is considered the alliance and nature of the epic and dramatic poem, as it exists in the Iliad, Æneid and Paradise Lost. By Anselm Bayly, ...
The Alliteration in Chaucer's Canterbury TalesEssays on Chaucer, his words and works.
Allitteratio latina, or, Alliteration in Latin verse reduced to rulewith special reference to Catullus, Horace, Juvenal, Lucan, Lucretius, Martial, Ovid, Persius, Phaedrus, Priapeia, Propertius, Statius, Tibullus, and Virgil
The alphabet of nature;
Amelia, Tamerton church-tower, etc.,with Prefatory study on English metrical law.
The American criterion of the English languagecontaining the elements of pronunciation; in five sections. For the use of English schools and foreigners. By James Carrol.
The analysis of sentences explained and systematised :after the plan of Becker's German grammar
An analytical inquiry into the principles of taste
Ancient critical essays upon English poets and poësy.
Ancient critical essays upon English poets and poësy.
Ancient Scotish poems,never before in print. But now published from the MS. collections of Sir Richard Maitland, Of Lethington, Knight, Lord Privy Seal Of Scotland, And A Senator Of The College Of Justice. Comprising pieces written from about 1420 till 1586. With large notes, and a glossary. Prefixed are An essay on the origin of Scotish poetry. A list of all the Scotish poets, With Brief Remarks. And an appendix is added, containing, Among Other Articles, an account of the contents of the Maitland and Bannatyne Mss.
Ancient Scotish poems,never before in print. But now published from the MS. collections of Sir Richard Maitland, Of Lethington, Knight, Lord Privy Seal Of Scotland, And A Senator Of The College Of Justice. Comprising pieces written from about 1420 till 1586. With large notes, and a glossary. Prefixed are An essay on the origin of Scotish poetry. A list of all the Scotish poets, With Brief Remarks. And an appendix is added, containing, Among Other Articles, an account of the contents of the Maitland and Bannatyne Mss.
Ancient songs,from the time of King Henry the Third, to the revolution ...
Ane schort Treatise, conteining some revlis and cautelis to be observit and eschewit in Scottis PoesieThe essayes of a prentise, in the divine art of poesie. Edinburgh. 1585. A counterblast to tobacco. London, 1604.
Anglo-Norman VersificationAnglo-Norman language & literature,
Anglo-Saxon Alliterative Poetry: (A.D. 449 to A.D. 1150)Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom.
Animadversions upon Elements of criticism; calculated equally for the benefit of that celebrated work, and the improvement of English stile: with an appendix on Scoticism. By James Elphinston
Anniversary papers by colleagues and pupils of George Lyman Kittredge,presented on the completion of his twenty-fifth year of teaching in Harvard University, June, MCMXIII.
Annotations on Milton's Paradise lostwherein the texts of sacred writ, relating to the poem, are quoted, the parallel places and imitations of the most excellent Homer and Virgil, cited and compared, all the obscure parts
Anti mias;an essay in isometry.
Anti mias;an essay in isometry.
Antiquitates curiosæ;the etymology of many remarkable old sayings, proverbs, and singular customs explained.
An apologie for poetrie. VVritten by the right noble, vertuous, and learned, Sir Phillip Sidney, Knight
An Apology for Poetry, in an Essay dire∣cted to Walter Moil EsqMiscellaneous letters and essays on several subjects philosophical, moral, historical, critical, amorous, &c., in prose and verse
An apology for the monostrophics which were published in 1782. With a second collection of monostrophics. By George Isaac Huntingford, A. M. Fellow of New College, Oxford
Appendix; On English MetersA manual of English literature, historical and critical : with an appendix on English metres
The Appreciation of PoetryTertium quid chapters on various disputed questions
Appreciations of poetry,