The new composition-rhetoric.

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p. 433

VERSIFICATION. 433 Turning Burning Changing Do not | shoot me, | Hí ǎ | a wa wa tha! (trochaic tetrameter) ✔ Like ǎ | hígh-born | maiden (trochaic trimeter) (trochaic monometer) I Once upon a midnight | dreary | as I | pondered | weak (trochaic octameter) and weary Fancy viewing I (trochaic dimeter) Joys ensuing There's a bliss | beyond all | that the mín | strel has told (anapestic tetrameter) And we came to the Boun | teous Isle | where the heavens lean low on the land (anapestic hexameter) Touch her not | scornfully (dactylic dimeter) Think of her mournfully I (dactylic dimeter) This is the forest při | méval; the | murmuring | pines (dactylic hexameter, last foot incomplete) and the hemlocks I Separating lines into the feet of which they are com- posed (as we have been doing) is called Scansion.