Institutes of Latin grammar.

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p. 470

Note 2. In the Trochaic Tetrameter, the caesura ought to be altogether avoided after the fourth foot, which divides the verse into two hemistichs ; as in the ecclesiastical hymn, on the passion of our Lord ; Pcinge, | lingua, \ glori\osi \\ laure\am cer\tdminis, Et super crucis trophceo |] die triumpJium nobilem : Qualiter, Redemptor orbis \\ immolatus vicerit.

It is evident that the dactyl in iambics, and the anapest in trochai'cs, must have a considerable influence in checking the poetic rhythm of the line, and in imparting to it a prose cadence, not unbecoming in comedy and other loose compositions, the sermoni propiora. The Trochaic Tetrameter Catalectic appears to be the same as the Iambic Octonarius Acatalectic without the first syllable, the same variations being admitted in the even places of the trochaic, as in the odd of the iambic.

p. 509

491 2 1 . The Trochaic Tetrameter, or Octonarius, Catalectic, with an Iambic Trimeter, Acatalectic.