Secondary Title |
or, a complete modern system of rhetoric, elocution, and oratory; comprizing all the rules of those elegant arts; And including every Thing necessary to form the Persuasive and Accomplished Speaker, And to give Propriety not only to the Words but Actions of the Orator; with Examples of some of the most admired and celebrated Speeches and Orations, both Ancient and Modern. The Whole being particularly calculated to improve or refresh the Memories of the Right Honourable and Honourable Members of both Houses of Parliament; the reverend Gentlemen of the Church; Students designed for the Bar; Lecturers on Physical, Chemical, Chirurgical, Mathematical or any other Subjects, and all such of both Sexes as attend the public Disputations at The School for Eloquence The Palladium, or Liberal Academy of Eloquence, The Cassino, or Female Parliament, The Forum, The Oratorical Society, La Belle Assembleé, Apollo Society, held at Carlisle House Free Mason's Hall Great Marlborough Street Haymarket Mitre Tavern Fleet-Str. Haymarket Grafton Street, Soho Queen's Arms, Coachmakers Hall, Robin Hood, &c. &c. &c. Inscribed to the Hon. C. Fox, and E. Burke, Esq. |