New memoirs of the life and poetical works of Mr. John Milton: with I. An Examination of Milton's Stile: And, II. Explanatory & Critical Notes on divers Passages of Milton & Shakespeare: By the Editor. III. Baptistes: A Sacred Dramatic Poem, in Defence of Liberty; as, written in Latin, by Mr. George Buchanan; Translated into English, by Mr. John Milton; & first published in 1641. By Order of the House of Commons. IV. The Parallel, or Archbishop Laud & Cardinal Wolsey compared: a Vision, by Milton. V. The Legend of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, Kt. Chief Butler of England, who died of poison, Anno 1570. an Historical Poem: By (his nephew) Sir Thomas Throckmorton, Kt. VI. Herod the Great: a Poem: By the Editor. Vii. The Resurrection, a Poem in Imitation of Milton: by a Friend. And, Viii. A Discourse on the Harmony of the Spheres: by Milton. The whole illustrated with proper prefaces & notes, by Francis Peck, M. A. Adorned with the Head of Milton (from a Painting in the Hands of the Editor) & the Print of a medal struck in honor of him by Mr. Auditor Benson
Publication Date | 1740 |
Author | Peck, Francis, 1692-1743 |
City | London printed |
Page count | 560 |
PPA Collection | |
View on Gale Primary Sources | CW0100457997 |