In which the words are not only rationally divided into syllables, accurately accented, their part of speech properly distinguished, and, their various significations arranged in one line; but, likewise, by a key to this work, comprising the various sounds of the vowels and consonants, denoted by typographical characters, and illustrated by examples ... Upon a plan perfectly plain, and entirely new. To which is prefixed, a comprehensive grammar of the English language. ... By William Perry, lecturer in the Academy at Edinburgh, author of The only sure guide to the English tongue, The man of business, The orator, &c. &c.
Publication Date
Perry, William, lecturer in the Academy at Edinburgh
by Leonard Worcester, for Isaiah Thomas. Sold at his bookstore, by said Thomas, & Waldo, in Brookfield, and said Thomas, & Carlisle, in Walpole. Sold also, in Boston, by said Thomas, and Andrews, S. Hall, B. Larkin, J. White, D. West, E. Larkin, Jun., J. West, and at the Boston Bookstore