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An abstract of English grammar with questions.Formed on the plan of Grammatik der Englischen Sprache
Crabbed age and youth Cánnot live together; Youth is full of pleasure, Age is full of care. 4. Trochaic Tetrameter. Round us róars the tempest louder. § 291. lambic Verse consists of an unaccented and an accented syllable alternately; it may contain any number of feet from one to six.
Advanced course of composition and rhetoric:
Restore the words in the following lines to their order, so that they may rhyme, and form alternately trochaic tetrameter acatalectic, and trochaic tetrameter catalectic: IRON.
Advanced lessons in English grammar :for use in higher grammar classes
This is the most commonly used trochaic measure. (c) TROCHAIC TETRAMETER. With a | fúll but | soft e motion, Like the swell of | súmmer's | ócean.
The alphabet of rhetoric,with a chapter on elocution;
Longfellow's Hiawatha is written throughout in trochaic tetrame- ter (four feet in a line) without rhymes.
An analytical, illustrative, and constructive grammar of the English language.
Trochaic Trimeter: Go where I glory | waits thee, I But where fame elates thee. 4. Trochaic Tetrameter: Round a holy | calm dif | fusing, Love of peace and holy musing. 5.
Complete rhetoric,
Other forms of blank verse, appearing here and there, but not likely to command the interest of many readers, and hardly to be imitated, are the choral measures, as in Samson Agonistes; the trochaic tetrameter, in Hia- watha; the iambic hexameter in Evangeline: The sun to me is dark, And silent is the moon When she deserts the night Hid in her vacant interlunar cave.
Composition and rhetoric
In describing a line, therefore, we should first tell the rhythm, or kind of feet, and then the meter, or the number of feet, thus : iambic pentameter, trochaic tetrame- ter, dactylic hexameter, and so on. Scansion.
A third familiar couplet is the trochaic tetrameter: Blessings on thee, little man, Barefoot boy, with cheek of tan!
The following illus- trate some of these: | Do not shoot me, | Hiawatha! (trochaic tetrameter) Líke a high-born | maiden (trochaic trimeter) Turning Burning (trochaic monometer) Changing Once up on a midnight | dreary | as I pondered | weak and weary (trochaic octameter) Fancy viewing Joys ensuing (trochaic dimeter)
Effective English
In the second and fourth lines, the final foot lacks the unaccented syllable, giving a little heavier stroke to that foot. The verse is trochaic tetrameter. The next selec- tion is from The Witches' Song in Macbeth.
Effective expression;a textbook on composition and rhetoric for the four years of high school and the first year of college,
Other lines are similarly named: e.g., the trochaic tetrameter of Hiawatha and the dactyllic hexameter of Evangeline.
Elementary English composition for high schools and academies
Compose lines, or find new examples, described as (1) Iambic trimeter. (2) Trochaic tetrameter. (3) Dactyllic dimeter. (4) Trochaic hexameter. (5) Am- phibrachic tetrameter. (6) Anapæstic trimeter.
The graphic representation is 4 (1 x); it is trochaic tetrameter:-(1) She walks in beauty, like the night. (2) The paths of glory lead but to the grave. (3) Dust thou art, to dust returnest. (4) Nor bid a warrior smile, nor teach a maid to weep. (5) Let not Ambi- tion mock their useful toil. (6) There's not a joy the world can give like that it takes away. (7) For thee, oh, now a silent soul, my brother. (8) Methought I heard a voice cry, ‘Sleep no more!'
An elementary Greek grammar
I of a foot, division); aeresis be- comes important only when it coincides with a natural pause in the verse produced by the ending of a rliythniic series ; as in the trochaic tetrameter (§ 291, 2) and the dactylic pen- tameter (§ 295, 5).
Elements and science of English versification,
8 matching pages -
Elements of composition and rhetoric,
.; trochaic dimeter, trochaic tetrameter, etc.; an- apestic dimeter, anapestic trimeter, etc.
Thus in the following lines, the first is lambic trimeter; the second is Trochaic tetrameter; the third is Anapestic tetrameter; the fourth is Dactylic trimeter-catalectic: 1. / Stand up | and bless | the Lord.
The elements of rhetoric and composition,
The following from Longfellow is trochaic tetrameter catalectic, rhyming ada. Like the swell of some sweet tune, Morning rises into noon, May glides onward into June.
English for secondary schools,
So we decide that Hiawatha is written in trochaic tetrameter; the verse in The Merchant of Venice in iambic pentameter; and The Courtship of Miles Standish in dactylic hexameter.
English grammar :The English language in its elements and forms, with a history of its origin and development
Un’derneath' this mar’ble | hearse Lies' the sub'ject of' all verse : Sidney's sister, Pembroke's mother; Death, ere thou hast slain another Learn'd', and fair', and good as she, Time' shall throw' his dart' at thee!-Ben Jonson. TROCHAIC TETRAMETER. Formula a x x 4. $ 645. The accented lines are composed of four Trochees.
Trochaic Monometer, with | 645. Trochaic Tetrameter 729 the Trochaic Formula.. 727 646.
English grammar :with chapters on composition, versification, paraphrasing, and punctuation
The line of 6xa is also called an Alexandrine, and is used to close the long stanza employed by Spenser. 19. Trochaic Tetrameter consists of four trochees; and its formula is 4ax. (i) The following is rhymed trochaic tetrameter :- When the heathen trumpet's clang-1=4ax Round beleaguered Chester rang, - 1=4ax Veiled nun and friar gray - 1=4ax Marched from Bangor's fair abbaye - 1=4ax It will be noticed that each line has a syllable wanting to make up the four complete feet But the missing syllable is only an unaccented syllable; and the line contains four ac- cents.
(ü) The following is unrhymed trochaic tetrameter :- Then the little | Hia | watha | = 4ax Learned of ev'ry | bird the language, 1=4a x Learned their names and all their secrets, 1=4ax How they | built their nests in | summer, 1=4ax Where they | hid them I selves in / winter, 1=4ax Talked with them when | e'er he met them, I=4a x Called them | “Hiawatha's | Chickens." |=4ax " It will be observed that, in the above lines from Longfellow's Hiawatha,” each trochee is complete ; and this is the case throughout the whole of this poem.
English grammar past and present,with appendices on prosody, synonyms, and other outlying subjects.
I PROSODY AND POETRY 439 the former this foot is short of one unaccented syllable, and in the latter of two :- Life' is | but' an | em'-pty | dream'.-LONGFELLOW. (Trochaic tetrameter, 4 feet.) Com'-rades, leave' me | here' a | lit'-tle, | while' as | yet' 'tis | ear'-ly morn'.
In Longfellow's Hiawatha we have a solitary example of blank verse in Trochaic tetrameters:- Then' the lit'-tle | Hi'-a- | wa'-tha Learned' of ev'-ery | bird' the | lan'-guage. --- Occasionally we have blank verse in Dactylic dimeters :- right' of them, left' of them, Can'-non to Can'-non to Can'-non in front' of them.
English grammar, or, An exposition of the principles and usages of the English language
. | Mōrtāls, | try; There you cannot | seek in | văin ; Fōr to seek hĕr | is to | gáin. 789. Trochaic Tetrameter. The fourth Trochaic species con- sists of four trochees; as, Round us | roars the tempest | louder.
Exposition of the grammatical structure of the English language :being an attempt to furnish an improved method of teaching grammar : (abridged by the author) : for the use of schools
We next give an example of Trochaic verses consisting of four measures (Trochaic Tetrameters), having of course double rhymes, with alternate verses of three measures, and an additional strong syllable to sustain the single rhyme.
Exposition of the grammatical structure of the English language :being an attempt to furnish an improved method of teaching grammar. For the use of schools and colleges
We next give an example of Trochaic verses consisting of four measures (Trochaic Tetrameters), having of course double rhymes, with alternate verses of three measures, and an additional strong syl. lable to sustain the single rhyme.
The grammar of English grammars
4 matching pagesMilton's L'Allegro, or Gay Mood, has one hundred and fifty-two lines; ninety-eight of which are iambics; fifty-four trochaic tetrameters; a very few of each order having double rhymes.
His fI Penseroso, or Grave Mood, has twentyseven trochaic tetrameters, mixed irregularly with one hundred and forty-nine iambics.
-Everett, who divides our trochaic tetrameters into two species of metre, imagines that the catalectic form, or that which is single-rhymed, " has a solemn effect,"-" imparts to all pieces more dignity than any of the other short measures,"-" that no trivial or humorous subject should be treated in this measure," âand that, " besides dignity, it imparts an air of sadness to the subject."
Hart, who, like many others, has mistaken the metre of this last example for " Trochaic Tetrameter," with a surplus " syllable," after repeating the current though rather questionable assertion, that, "this measure is very uncommon," proceeds with our "Trochaic Pentameter," thus: " This species is likewise uncommon.
A grammar of the English language
. | Mōrtals, | try; There you cannot | sēek în | vāin ; Fōr to seek her | is tỏ | gáin. 789. Trochaic Tetrameter. The fourth Trochaic species con- sists of four trochees; as, Round us | roars the | tempest | lõudĕr.
A grammar of the English language :for the use of schools and academies, with copious parsing exercises
The following is an example of trochaic tetra- meter catalectic, alternating with trochaic tetra- meter.
In lyric poetry we often find the trochaic tetra- meter catalectic without the alternating line of full tetrameter. .
—The combination of a line of trochaic tetrameter with one of trochaic tetrameter catalectic, forms a verse of seven trochaic feet with a catalectic syllable.
. > § 120. 1. Pure trochaic tetrameter consists of lines containing four trochees each, the trochee being sometimes replaced by a pyrrhic.
But the most common form of trochaic tetrameter
A grammar of the English language :together with an exposition of the analysis of sentences.
Thus the last line is technically called trochaic tetrameter catalectic (= 4 a 2--). 19. It frequently happens in English verse, that the verse accent contradicts the sense emphasis.
Trochaic Trimeter Trochaic Tetrameter Trochaic Pentameter Trochaic Octometer • Anapæstic Dimeter Anapæstic Trimeter Anapæstic Tetrameter.
A grammar of the Latin language.
Incision is the coincidence of the end of the foot with the end of the word ; and in some species of verse (in the trochaic tetrameter, in the dactylic pentameter, and in choriambic verses), it is essential, and is often used also in the hexameter under certain forms.
The grammar, history and derivation of the English language,with chapters on parsing, analysis of sentences, and prosody.
When the lámp is | sháttered, When the cloúd is scáttered. (c) Trochaic Tetrameter. With a full but soft emotion, Like the swell of Summer's ocean.
The Greek grammaror, a short, plain, critical and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the Greek tongue: ... To which is added, a suitable vocabulary. The fourth edition revised and corrected. By John Holmes, ...
142 Ariftophanes and Euripides likewife ſometimes uſe Tro- chaics, Tetrameter lambics, &c. But fuch as would know more of the Lyric and Dramatic Metre of the Greeks, muft confult thoſe who have wrote profeffedly on that Subject, viz.
A Greek grammar, for the use of learners
Could the stoutest overcome Death's assault and baffle doom, Hercules had both withstood. $240. The TROCHAIC TETRAMETER catalectic consists of seven feet and a syllable.
Hand-book of the English tongue :for the use of students and others
-SHAKSPEARE, Passionate l'ilgrim Child of sin and | sorrow, Fill'd with dismay, Wait not for to-morrow, Yield thee to day: Heaven bids thee come, While yet there's room; Child of sin and | sorrow, Hear and bey.' 672. TROCHAIC TETRAMETER. Lauded be thy | name for ever, Thou of life the | guard and | giver!
A handbook of English composition,
LONGFELLOW: Hiawatha, xviii. the foot is called trochaic, and the line is trochaic tetrameter. In the following: X X / X X Home they brought her | warrior | dead.
Harvey's English grammar.A practical grammar of the English language, for the use of every grade.
Then' let | mem”ry | bring thee Strains' I | used' to i sing' thee. 4. Trochaic Tetrameter .... au X 4. Tell’ me | not in mourn' ſul | num’bers, Life' is | but an | emp’ty | dream'. 5.
History of the Greek alphabet and pronunciation
Φρουροῦντ᾽ ἐγώ τε καὶ σὺ· κἆιτα περιπατοῦντε νύκτωρ, Τῆς ἀρτοπώλιδος λαθόντ᾽ | ἐκλέψαμεν τὸν ὅλμον. Trochaic Tetrameter Catalectic. Τάξεων ἀπαλλαγέντες | καὶ κακῶν φοινικικῶν.
Illustrated lessons in composition and rhetoric,
The verse, “ Double, double, toil and trouble,” is in trochaic tetrameter; and the verse, " Then went 66 Sir Bedivere the second time,” is in iambic pentam- eter.
The Indoeuropean superstress and the evolution of verse,
Having established to his own satisfaction by "une simple affaire de statistique" an incredibly bizarre theory of accent for Old-Irish, and finding that no theory of rhythm was compatible with such a theory of accent, he pro- ceeds to declare, p. 336 and following, that Old-Irish verse had no rhythm, and was a mere syllable-count, originating in a me- chanical imitation of the popular Latin trochaic tetrameter of the Christian missionaries in Ireland-a monstrous absurdity for such an energetic stress as that of Old-Irish, and capable moreover of being similarly demonstrated for any other verse.
And the proof of it, juggling with the num- ber of syllables in Latin trochaic tetrameters, which miss oftener than they hit! And this in serene indifference to Zeuss' demon- stration of the reverse influence, the powerful influence of Keltic usage upon contemporary Latin verse, Gram.
Institutes of Latin grammar.
Note 2. In the Trochaic Tetrameter, the caesura ought to be altogether avoided after the fourth foot, which divides the verse into two hemistichs ; as in the ecclesiastical hymn, on the passion of our Lord ; Pcinge, | lingua, \ glori\osi \\ laure\am cer\tdminis, Et super crucis trophceo |] die triumpJium nobilem : Qualiter, Redemptor orbis \\ immolatus vicerit.
It is evident that the dactyl in iambics, and the anapest in trochai'cs, must have a considerable influence in checking the poetic rhythm of the line, and in imparting to it a prose cadence, not unbecoming in comedy and other loose compositions, the sermoni propiora. The Trochaic Tetrameter Catalectic appears to be the same as the Iambic Octonarius Acatalectic without the first syllable, the same variations being admitted in the even places of the trochaic, as in the odd of the iambic.
491 2 1 . The Trochaic Tetrameter, or Octonarius, Catalectic, with an Iambic Trimeter, Acatalectic.
Language lessons.Book 1-2.
Four trochees, trochaic tetrameter : Willows / whiten, / aspens quiver, Little | breezes | dusk and | shiver.
A Latin grammar
TROCHAIC METRES. 1. Trochaic Tetrameter catalectic consists of eight trochees (two trochees making a metre), for any of which an irrational trochee may be used, and for any but the last a cyclic dactyl, an apparent anapaest (here a resolved irrational trochee), or a tribrach.
A spondee used for a trochee has also its ictus on the first syllable. 2. Trochaic Tetrameter catalectic consists of seven trochees and an ad- ditional syllable ; the diaeresis after the first dimeter.
A Verse may also be called according to the number of feet : Binarius (a), as the Adonian; Ternarius (3), as the Pherecrateau ; Quaternarius (4), as the Tro- chaic or Iambic Dimeter; Senarius (6), as the Dactylic Hexameter or the Iambic Trimeter; Septenarius (7), as the Trochaic Tetrameter Catalectic; Octonariu* (8), as the Trochaic Tetrameter Acatalectic of the scenic poets. 6.
A Latin grammar
PLAUT. 749. 6. Trochaic Tetrameter Catalectic (Septēnārius). LU->LU->|<~_><U-^ Cras amet qui nunquam amavit | quique amavit cras amet.
PLAUT. REMARK.-The Trochaic Tetrameter (so called by eminence) is of frequent occurrence IL comic poetry.
:ト :~|->|20|-= X: 748. 5. Trochaic Tetrameter Acatalectic (Octōnārius). 201->|20|-> |~|-|U|J.
Latin prose composition.
3 matching pagesIn Greek lyric poetry-especially choric poetry -there is often much greater freedom and variety; the poet is more like a musical composer-in early times he did compose the music-and he constructs 1 All of them always complete, if we take pauses into account: e.g., the last foot of a trochaic tetrameter is not really incomplete, or incomplete in rhythm. The long syllable is followed by a pause equal to a short syllable, a pause for which the ancient symbol was (Lambda), initial of Xeîµµa. The trochaic tetrameter is ~~ | -~ |- ~ | ~ ~ || ~ ~ | ~ ~ |-~|-^. --
The history of metres confirms this. The Greek trochaic tetrameter found a ready welcome in Latium, and was the metre in which at a triumph the soldiers sang of their general (often in ribald and uncompli- mentary strains, a kind of propitiation of Nemesis):- Gallos Caesar in triumphum duxit, idem in curiam.
Latin prosody made easy.
6 matching pages246 (36.) Trochaic Tetrameter Catalectic. - - -suitable to the voices of those effeminate singers, the ana- pæst was generally preferred to the spondee in both divi- sions of the verse, particularly the latter and that the penultimate foot of the whole line was most commonly a tribrachys.
Trochaic verses bear a near affinity to Iambic : for, as single short and long syllables alternately recur in the pure Iambic and pure Trochaic, the addition or retrenchment of a syllable at the beginning of a pure Iambic line renders it pure Trochaic, and the addition or retrenchment of a syllable at the beginning of a pure Trochaic line renders it pure Iambic with the deficiency (or redundancy) of a syllable, in each case, at the end of the verse. (No. 36.)-Trochaic Tetrameter Catalectic. The Catalectic Trochaic Tetrameter (or Octonarius) consists of seven feet (properly all trochees) followed by a catalectic syllable, as
(No. 58.)- Dactylico-Trochaic Tetrameter, or Lesser Alcaic. This metre consists of two dactyls followed by two trochees, as Lēvšǎ | pērsönů-|-ērē | sāxa.
A manual of composition and rhetoric:
Thus, in the lines here given, No 1 is lambic tetrameter, No 2 is Trochaic tetrameter, No 3 is Anapæstic tetrameter (the additional syllable at the end making up for the syllable wanting at the beginning), and No 4 is Dactylic trimeter, with two syllables over. 4 In case of the passage rhyming, the rhyme should be described as being in couplets, quatrains, sonnet-metre, &c, and the formula for the rhyme and the stanza should be given, as on pages 229, 230, 231, 233-235.] 1.
The Mother tongue.
The seven-syllable trochaic couplet; two trochaic tetram- eters catalectic. x 1 1 Blessings on thee, little man, Barefoot boy, with cheek of tan!
The new composition-rhetoric.
VERSIFICATION. 433 Turning Burning Changing Do not | shoot me, | Hí ǎ | a wa wa tha! (trochaic tetrameter) ✔ Like ǎ | hígh-born | maiden (trochaic trimeter) (trochaic monometer) I Once upon a midnight | dreary | as I | pondered | weak (trochaic octameter) and weary Fancy viewing I (trochaic dimeter) Joys ensuing There's a bliss | beyond all | that the mín | strel has told (anapestic tetrameter) And we came to the Boun | teous Isle | where the heavens lean low on the land (anapestic hexameter) Touch her not | scornfully (dactylic dimeter) Think of her mournfully I (dactylic dimeter) This is the forest při | méval; the | murmuring | pines (dactylic hexameter, last foot incomplete) and the hemlocks I Separating lines into the feet of which they are com- posed (as we have been doing) is called Scansion.
New grammar of the English tongue.
The line of 6xa is also called an Alexandrine, and is used to close the long stanza employed by Spenser. 19. Trochaic Tetrameter consists of four trochees; and its formula is 4ax. (i) The following is rhymed trochaic tetrameter :- When the heathen trumpet's clang-|=4ax Round beleaguered Chester rang,-|=4ax Veiled nun and friar gray -|=4ax Marched from Bangor's fair abbaye-1=4ax It will be noticed that each line has a syllable wanting to make up the four complete feet.
(ii) The following is unrhymed trochaic tetrameter :- Then the little | Hia | watha | =4ax Learned of ev'ry | bird the | language, |=4ax Learned their | names and | all their | secrets, |=4ax How they built their nests in | summer, |=4ax Where they hid them | selves in | winter, |=4ax Talked with them when | e'er he | met them, |=4ax Called them "Hiawatha's | Chickens." |=4ax It will be observed that, in the above lines from Longfellow's Hiawatha," each trochee is complete; and this is the case throughout the whole of this poem.
The old-Latin and old-Irish monuments of verse,
These iambic and trochaic tetrame- ters in both Latin and Old-Irish technique are nothing else but
It is the final stage of the Sa- turnian proper, just before medial catalexis is overcome and the rhythm becomes one with the trochaic tetrameter; cf. the Latin monument : Cum victor Lemno classem :: Doricam appulisset. cel. 8.
On the Pronunciation of GreekThe Classical museum.
The characteristic phænomenon in all these metres, whether the heroic hexameter, the elegeiac, the iambic senarian, the tro- chaic tetrameter, or the anapæstics-is a peculiar law of Casura.
Outlines of composition and rhetoric
Nor will you need look far for examples of trochaic tetrameter and dactylic hexameter. But you must expect great variety, even in a single poem, and you must learn to adapt yourself to the changes. 6.
Copy four verses of each of the following kinds: (1) iambic pentameter; (2) trochaic tetrameter; (3) dactylic hexameter.
Practical English composition,
For example, a verse that consists of five iambic feet is called iambic pentameter; a verse that consists of four trochaic feet is called trochaic tetrameter; a verse that consists of two anapests is called anapestic dimeter.
Trite expressions, 223. Trochaic tetrameter, 364. Trochee, 360, 366. Turning point, 381.