Displaying 2 digitized works
The different Sorts of Verse made use of by HORACE, in his Odes and Epodes are Nineteen in Number.The works of Horace, translated into English prose, as near the original as the different idioms of the Latin and English languages will allow. With the Latin text and order of construction in the opposite page, and Critical, Historical, Geographical, and Classical notes, in English; from the best commentators both ancient and modern, with a great many Notes entirely New. And A Preface to each Ode, Satire, and Epistle, illustrating their Difficulties, and shewing their several Ornaments and Design. For the Use of Schools as well as of Private Gentlemen. In two volumes
The different Sorts of Verse made use of by HORACE, in his Odes and Epodes are Nineteen in Number.The odes, epodes, and carmen seculare of Horace, translated into English prose, as near the original as the different idioms of the Latin and English languages will allow. With the Latin text and order of construction in the opposite page, and Critical, Historical, Geographical, and Classical notes, in English; from the best commentators both ancient and modern. And a Preface to each Ode, illustrating its Difficulties, and shewing its several Ornaments and Design. Also The Method of Scanning the several Sorts of verse made use of by Horace, and a Table shewing at one View of what Sort of Verse each Ode consists. For the Use of Schools as well as of Private Gentlemen